Francisco Campos is a PhD in Sport Sciences, specialized in Fitness, by University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro UTAD) - Portugal 2015). Obtained a MSc in Psychology of Sport and Exercise, at UTAD 2010), and a BSc in Sports - Fitness, at Rio Maior Superior Sports School - Polytechnic Institute of Santarém - Portugal 2004). Actually, is professor at Coimbra Education School - Polytechnic of Coimbra - Portugal, since 2007-2008, where among others, is director of the Sport and Leisure BSc since 2020, and Vice-president of the Technical-Scientific Board since 2022. He is integrated investigator in Sport Physical activity and health Research & INovation cenTer SPRINT) since 2023. His research interests, among others, focus at: sports and exercise pedagogy; sports and exercise psychology; fitness and gym activities, educational play, games, motor competence and sport activities; interdisciplinary practices in education.