High-intensity interval training programs and their impact on endurance performance in handball players: A systematic review
Authors: Rocha Henrique José, Ramirez-Campillo Rodrigo, Tomás González Fernandez Francisco, Castillo Daniel, Raya-González Javier, Zmijewski Piotr, Miguel Silva Rui, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: Biomedical Human Kinetics
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.2478/bhk-2024-0012
Schimago Q3
External load of different format small-sided games in youth football players in relation to age
Authors: Fernando Santos, Filipe Manuel Clemente, Hugo Sarmento, Cátia Ferreira, Teresa Figueiredo, Victor Hernández-Beltrán, José M. Gamonales, Mário Espada
Venue: International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17479541241231485
Cardiovascular Risk Profile on the Island of Santiago—Cabo Verde (PrevCardio.CV Study)
Authors: Rodrigues Francisco, Mascarenhas Kelly, Rodrigues Júlio, Coelho Patrícia
Venue: Life
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/life14080966
Predictability and Complexity of Fine and Gross Motor Skills in Fibromyalgia Patients: A Pilot Study
Authors: Nancy Brígida, D. Catela, Cristiana Mercê, Marco Branco
Venue: Sports
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/sports12040090
Variability of External Load Measures During Soccer Match Play: Influence of Player Fitness or Pacing?
Authors: Rabbani Alireza, Ermidis Giorgios, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Twist Craig
Venue: International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.2023-0243
Schimago Q1
Greater Psychophysiological Intensities in Conditioned Games May Impair Technical Performance: An Exploratory Study in Youth Male Soccer Players
Authors: Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.2024-0003
Schimago Q1
Physiological and locomotor variations of 3v3 and 5v5 small-sided games soccer formats: A 4-month study on sedentary young adults
Authors: Xu Qi, Miguel Silva Rui, Qi Kai, Ma Dong, Li TingYu, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: Science Progress
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/00368504231224606
Schimago Q1
Effects of 8 weeks pre-season training on physical fitness, heart rate variability and cognition in women soccer players
Authors: Tomás González-Fernández Francisco, Filipa Silva Ana, Castillo Rodriguez Alfonso, Onetti-Onetti Wanesa, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: Heliyon
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e24955
Schimago Q1
Relationships between training load and body composition and physical fitness changes in sedentary individuals: A 4-month small-sided soccer games intervention
Authors: Xu Qi, Miguel Silva Rui, Qi Kai, Ma Dong, Li TingYu, Pan BaiQiao, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: Heliyon
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e27203
Schimago Q1
Effects of a 16-week recreational small-sided games soccer intervention on body composition and physical fitness in sedentary young adults: A randomized controlled study
Authors: Xu Qi, Qi Kai, Liu Guiyang, Li TingYu, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: Heliyon
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25242
Schimago Q1
Comparing Video Analysis to Computerized Detection of Limb Position for the Diagnosis of Movement Control during Back Squat Exercise with Overload
Authors: André B. Peres, Andrei Sancassani, Eliane A. Castro, Tiago A. F. Almeida, Danilo A. Massini, Anderson G. Macedo, Mário C. Espada, al et
Venue: Sensors
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/s24061910
Effects of small-sided games training programs on physiological and physical adaptations of youth basketball players: A systematic review
Authors: Li Tingyu, Xu Qi, Sarmento Hugo, Zhao YongXing, Miguel Silva Rui, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: Science Progress
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/00368504241231657
Schimago Q1
Are wearable technologies accurate enough to assessment of soccer kicking: Protocol for a systematic literature review (Preprint)
Authors: Henrique Palucci Vieira Luiz, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Armando Chang Marquez Felipe, Manuel Rea Olivares Walter, Rocio Vargas-Villafuerte Kelly, P Carpes Felipe
Year: 2024  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.2196/preprints.57433
¿Influye la categoría y posición de juego en las lesiones deportivas en fútbol? (Does the category and game position influence sports injuries in football?)
Authors: José M. Gamonales, Víctor Hernández-Beltrán, Abian Perdomo-Alonso, Jesús Barguerias-Martínez, Sergio Gómez-Carrero, Cátia C. Ferreira, Fernando J. Santos, Mário C. Espada
Venue: Retos
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v54.103513
Sports Analysis of Wheelchair Basketball Game Statistics
Authors: Víctor Hernández-Beltrán, Sergio J. Ibáñez, Mário C. Espada, José M. Gamonales
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app14072923
Desenvolver o Pensamento Computacional através do Ensino Exploratório numa Aula de Matemática do 4.º Ano de Escolaridade
Authors: Carvalho João, Couceiro Tatiana, Gomes Tatiana, Isabel Neves Rodrigues Rita, Sacramento José, Pereira Rita, Freitas Yelitza, Costa Cecília, Martins Fernando
Venue: DEDiCA Revista de Educação e Humanidades (dreh)
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.30827/dreh.22.2024.30107
Visual Fixations in Basketball Shooting: Differences between Shooting Conditions
Authors: M. Amaro Catarina, António Castro Maria, Mendes Rui, B. Gomes Beatriz
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app14083168
Flow Training Program, Mindfulness, Decision Making and Mental Well-Being of Young and Adult Elite Handball Athletes
Authors: Martiny Luis, Dias Gonçalo, Pedro Ferreira José, Mendes Rodrigo, Mendes Rui
Year: 2024  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202404.0171.v1
What We Do Not Know About Stretching in Healthy Athletes: A Scoping Review with Evidence Gap Map from 300 Trials
Authors: José Afonso, Renato Andrade, Sílvia Rocha-Rodrigues, Fábio Yuzo Nakamura, Hugo Sarmento, Sandro R. Freitas, Ana Filipa Silva, al et
Venue: Sports Medicine
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1007/s40279-024-02002-7
Mediation effects of basic psychological needs and motivation among coach leadership style on the subjective well-being of adapted sports athletes’ members of the special olympics
Authors: Domingues Ana, Santos Jorge, Batista Marco, Serrano João, HONÓRIO SAMUEL, Petrica João
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0298297
Epidemiology of Urinary Infections in Pregnant Women between 2018 and 2022
Authors: Rodrigues Francisco, Coelho Patricia, Castelo-Branco Miguel
Year: 2024  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202402.0466.v1
Walking in their shoes: an ecological momentary assessment of physical activity and sedentary behaviors among urban and rural older adults,Caminando en sus zapatos: una evaluación ecológica momentánea de la actividad física y los comportamientos sedentari
Authors: A. Ramalho, J. Afonso, R. Paulo, P. Duarte-Mendes, J. Serrano, J. Petrica
Venue: Retos
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v59.104781
Motivational factors for physical exercise practice in a Health Club context
Authors: Sena Nuno, Manuel Azevedo António, Eira Paulo, Vasconcelos Carlos
Venue: Retos
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v59.105305
Using Myofascial Therapy to Improve Psychological Outcomes, Quality of Life, and Sexual Function in Women with Chronic Pelvic Pain—A Case Series
Authors: Diaz-Mohedo Esther, Hita-Contreras Fidel, Castro-Martin Eduardo, Pilat Andrzej, Perez-Dominguez Borja, Valenza-Peña Geraldine
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare12030304
Dynamics of training and competition demands in top-class male rink hockey: a case study of a rink hockey European Championship
Authors: Ferraz António, Duarte-Mendes Pedro, Nuno Ribeiro João, Yousefian Farzad, Valente-Dos-Santos João, Travassos Bruno
Venue: International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/24748668.2024.2314373
Profiling the acceleration and deceleration components in elite futsal players
Authors: Nuno Ribeiro João, Farzad Yousefian, Illa Jordi, Ferraz António, Nakamura Fabio, Travassos Bruno
Venue: International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/24748668.2024.2352678
On the Move: A Cross-Sectional Study on Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Depressive Symptoms among Older People in Rural Portugal
Authors: André Ramalho, Renato Fonseca, João Petrica
Venue: Retos
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v53.100990
The Importance of Perceived Quality for Golf Course Member Satisfaction and Loyalty in Tourism Deprivation Times
Authors: Gonçalo Costa, Elsa Pereira, Rute Martins, Margarida Mascarenhas
Venue: Journal of Global Sport Management
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/24704067.2023.2300410
Risk of frailty and associated factors among community older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors: Fabiana Medeiros de Almeida Silva, Marisete Peralta Safons
Venue: Caderno Pedagógico
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.54033/cadpedv21n2-027
Urinary Infections in a Hospital Unit in Central Portugal – 5-Year Analysis
Authors: Castelo Branco Miguel, Coelho Patricia, Rodrigues Francisco
Year: 2024  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202402.0505.v1
Effects of Physical Activity on Cognition, Behavior, and Motor Skills in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies
Authors: Suárez-Manzano Sara, Ruiz-Ariza Alberto, Eduardo Marques de Loureiro Nuno, J. Martínez-López Emilio
Venue: Behavioral Sciences
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/bs14040330
External load of different format small- sided games in youth football players in relation to age
Venue: International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
Year: 2024  Type: Magazine-article  DOI: 10.1177/17479541241231485
Crossing the digital frontier: are older adults ready for virtual reality workouts?
Authors: Ramalho André, Duarte-Mendes Pedro, Paulo Rui, Serrano João, Petrica João
Venue: Frontiers in Public Health
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1324004
Evolution of the Documents Related to how a sedentary lifestyle influences the aging process: A Bibliometric Review
Authors: Carolina A. Cabo, Víctor Hernández-Beltrán, José M. Gamonales, José A. Parraca, Orlando Fernandes, Mario C. Espada
Venue: Journal of Public Health
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1007/s10389-024-02327-7
Evolution of the Documents Related to the influence of physical activity and functional capacity throughout the aging process: A Bibliometric Review
Authors: Carolina A. Cabo, Víctor Hernández-Beltrán, José M. Gamonales, Orlando Fernandes, Mário C. Espada, José A. Parraca
Venue: Frontiers in Physiology
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2024.1427038
Analysis of the competitive demands in 7-a-side football players with cerebral palsy
Authors: J.M. Gamonales, V. Hernández-Beltrán, J. Muñoz-Jiménez, N. Mendoza-Láiz, Mário C. Espada, S.J. Ibáñez
Venue: Apunts Sports Medicine
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.apunsm.2024.100434
Changes in Metabolic and Inflammatory Markers after a Combined Exercise Program in Workers: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors: Fernanda M. Silva, Pedro Duarte-Mendes, José P. Ferreira, Eugénia Carvalho, Diogo Monteiro, Alain Massart, Carlos Farinha, Carlos M. Soares, Ana M. Teixeira
Venue: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1249/mss.0000000000003510
Pre-service teachers’ perceptions towards integrating educational robotics in the primary school
Authors: Silva Ricardo, Costa Cecília, M. L. Martins Fernando
Venue: Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.29333/ejmste/14356
Outdoor STEAM Education: Opportunities and Challenges
Authors: Correia Marisa, Ribeirinha Teresa, Beirante David, Santos Raquel, Ramos Liliana, Simões Dias Isabel, Luís Helena, al et
Venue: Education Sciences
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/educsci14070688
Variability of gross and fine motor control in different tasks in fibromyalgia patients
Authors: Nancy Brígida, D. Catela, Cristiana Mercê, Marco Branco
Venue: Retos
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v54.103134
Experiential learning in sport tourism curriculum: A case study at the university of the Algarve
Authors: Pereira Elsa, Carvalhinho Luís, V. Baptista Ana
Venue: Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2024.100510
Genetic Polymorphisms of P2RX7 but Not of ADORA2A Are Associated with the Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Authors: Lindo Jorge, Nogueira Célia, Soares Rui, Cunha Nuno, Rosário Almeida Maria, Rodrigues Lisa, Coelho Patrícia, al et
Venue: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijms25116135
Relação entre a prática de Crossfit e alterações arteriais carotídeas e vertebrais
Authors: João Franscisco Henriques Branco, Patrícia Coelho, Sonia Mateus, Eduardo Miguel Mota Abrantes, Guilherme Fradique Ferreira
Venue: IV Seven International Congress of Health
Year: 2024  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.56238/homeivsevenhealth-043
Efeitos da exposição a ecrãs na qualidade do sono em estudantes do Ensino Superior
Authors: Guilherme Fradique Ferreira, Patrícia Margarida dos Santos Carvalheiro Coelho, Rui Alexandre Bento Simões, Eduardo Miguel Mota Abrantes, João Francisco Henriques Branco
Venue: IV Seven International Congress of Health
Year: 2024  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.56238/homeivsevenhealth-041
Study of Body Composition and Motor Skills of Futsal Athletes of Different Competitive Levels
Authors: Belo João, J. Valente-dos-Santos, R. Pereira João, Duarte-Mendes Pedro, M. Gamonales José, Paulo Rui
Venue: Sports
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/sports12050137
Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Portuguese Version of the SARC-F in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Authors: Isabel Boteta Gomes Margarida, Agustín Aibar-Almazán, Hita-Contreras Fidel, Loureiro Nuno, Azevedo Ferreira Brandão-Loureiro Vânia
Venue: Diagnostics
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics14111096
Relationship between Femur Mineral Content and Local Muscle Strength and Mass
Authors: Bruno V. R. Ramos, Danilo A. Massini, Tiago A. F. Almeida, Eliane A. Castro, Mário C. Espada, Cátia C. Ferreira, Ricardo A. M. Robalo, Anderson G. Macedo, Dalton M. Pessôa Filho
Venue: Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/jfmk9020069
Análisis de los beneficios del Deporte Inclusivo en el área Educación Física. Revisión sistemática (Analysis of the benefits of Inclusive Sport in the scope of Physical Education. Systematic review)
Authors: Víctor Hernández-Beltrán, Mário C. Espada, Luis Felipe Castelli Correia de Campos, Catia C. Ferreria, Luz Marina Chalapud Narváez, José M. Gamonales
Venue: Retos
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v56.102933
Is There a Relationship between Anthropometric Indices and Muscular, Motor, and Cardiorespiratory Components of Health-Related Fitness in Active European Older Adults?
Authors: Mª Cancela-Carral José, Vila Elena, Machado Iris, Rodríguez Gustavo, López Adriana, Silva Bruno, Bezerra Pedro
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph21020201
Schimago Q2
Ringol: deporte alternativo para las clases de Educación Física. Revisión sistemática de la literatura
Authors: A. González-Coto Víctor, V. Hernández-Beltrán, Torrado-Ferrera Cristina, Gámez Calvo Luisa, Paulo Rui, M. GAMONALES JOSÉ
Venue: MHSalud: Revista en Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Salud
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.15359/mhs.21-1.18076
Cardiovascular Risk Profile in Children and Adolescents in a Portuguese School
Authors: Maria Carolina Baptista Duarte, Patrícia Coelho, Francisco Rodrigues, Ema Nair Torres Militão Cabral
Venue: IV Seven International Congress of Health
Year: 2024  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.56238/homeivsevenhealth-033
Intenções Comportamentais, Uso da App do Ginásio e Satisfação Global dos Membros: Uma Análise Multigrupo
Authors: Ferreira Barbosa Helena, García-Fernandez Jerónimo, Cepeda-Carrión Gabriel
Venue: Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.6018/cpd.548731
Influência da prática desportiva na qualidade de sono de atletas e não atletas
Authors: Pires Fátima, Carvalho Lucinda, Coelho Patrícia, Rodrigues Francisco, Pires Joana
Venue: Revista de Investigação & Inovação em Saúde
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.37914/riis.v7i2.339
Estratificação de risco cardiovascular no atleta jovem e veterano: questionário de pré-participação
Authors: Pedro Sousa João, Valentim Bruno, Teixeira Amaro, Coelho Patrícia, Pires Joana, Rodrigues Francisco
Venue: Revista de Investigação & Inovação em Saúde
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.37914/riis.v7i1.336
The importance of the differential diagnosis between pulmonary thromboembolism and acute coronary syndrome
Authors: Eduardo Miguel Mota Abrantes, Patrícia Margarida dos Santos Carvalheiro Coelho, António Filipe Pinto Rodrigues, Guilherme Fradique Ferreira, João Francisco Henriques Branco
Venue: IV Seven International Congress of Health
Year: 2024  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.56238/homeivsevenhealth-044
The influence of futsal players' initial physical condition on the occurrence of injuries
Authors: Rebelo Miguel, Marques Catarina, Crisóstomo Rute, Batista Marco, Paulo Rui, Rocha João, Serrano João
Venue: International Journal of Sports Medicine
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1055/a-2363-1885
Sistemas de fornecimento e gastos de energia no exercício físico – uma revisão
Authors: HONÓRIO SAMUEL, Manuel Folgado dos Santos Jorge, Serrano João, Petrica João, Rebelo Miguel, Vieira Fernando, Alexandre Silva Batista Marco
Venue: Retos
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v57.102980
Inclusion of Game-Based Stimulus During Flywheel Resistance Training Positively Influences Physical Performance in Handball Players
Authors: Madruga-Parera Marc, T. Esteves Pedro, F. T. Fernandes John, Beltrán-Garrido Vicente, Bird Stephen, Leite Nuno, Romero-Rodriguez Daniel, Arede Jorge
Venue: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2024.2359603
Descriptive analysis of injury types and incidence during futsal preseason across different competitive levels
Authors: Catarina Marques, Miguel Rebelo, Rute Crisóstomo, Samuel Honório, Pedro Duarte-Mendes, João Petrica, João Serrano
Venue: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2024.1363006
Health Status and COVID-19 Epidemiology in an Inland Region of Portugal: A Retrospective Study
Authors: Lindo Jorge, Coelho Patrícia, Gavinhos Catarina, Martins Manuel, Liberal Joana, Jorge Ferreira António, Gonçalves Teresa, Rodrigues Francisco
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph21081033
Urinary Tract Infections in a Single Hospital in Central Portugal, a 5-Year Analysis
Authors: Castelo Branco Miguel, Coelho Patrícia, Rodrigues Francisco
Venue: Microbiology Research
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/microbiolres15020055
Development and validation of a hip hop intervention programme for pre-school children: Crescer+ (Grow+)
Authors: Bernardino Sofia, Saramago Neuza, Catela David, Branco Marco, Mercê Cristiana
Venue: Retos
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v55.103575
Web Of Science
The Influence of Pericardial Fat on Left Ventricular Diastolic Function
Authors: Coelho Patrícia, Duarte Hugo, Alcafache Carlos, Rodrigues Francisco
Venue: Diagnostics
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics14070702
Construct Validity and Reliability of the Affordances for Motor Behavior of Schoolchildren in South India
Authors: Deshpande Vinuta, Kalgutkar Pratiksha, Filipa Silva Ana, Saraiva Flôres Fábio
Venue: Journal of Motor Learning and Development
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1123/jmld.2023-0066
Schimago Q3
Exploring the Effect of Acute and Regular Physical Exercise on Circulating Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Individuals with Obesity: A Comprehensive Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Ibrahim Ceylan Halil, Filipa Silva Ana, Ramirez-Campillo Rodrigo, Murawska-Cialowicz Eugenia
Venue: Biology
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/biology13050323
Schimago Q1
Exploring the Effect of Acute and Regular Physical Exercise on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Individuals with Obesity: A Comprehensive Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Ibrahim Ceylan Halil, Filipa Silva Ana, Ramírez-Campillo Rodrigo, Murawska-Cialowicz Eugenia
Year: 2024  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202403.1400.v1
Análisis de las lesiones deportivas en jugadores de fútbol sub-16 y sub-18 integrados en academia (Analysis of sports injuries in academy integrated u-16 and u-18 football players)
Authors: M. GAMONALES JOSÉ, V. Hernández-Beltrán, Perdomo-Alonso Abian, Barguerias-Martínez Jesús, Gómez Carrero Sergio, C. Ferreira Cátia, Paulo Rui, Espada Mario
Venue: Retos
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v56.104386
Age Unplugged: A Brief Narrative Review on the Intersection of Digital Tools, Sedentary and Physical Activity Behaviors in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Authors: André Ramalho, Rui Paulo, Pedro Duarte-Mendes, João Serrano, João Petrica
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare12090935
Manual traction is effective in alleviating lumbosacral spine pain: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial
Authors: Studnicki Rafal, Szymczyk Piotr, Adamczewski Tomasz, Studzinska Karolina, Hansdorfer-Korzon Rita, Filipa Silva Ana, Kawczynski Adam
Venue: Heliyon
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e31013
Schimago Q1
Physical and Physiological Demands of Amateur Portuguese Field and Assistant Football Referees
Authors: Ricardo Gomes, Rodrigo Mendes, Amaro Ferreira, Rui Mendes, Gonçalo Dias, Fernando Martins
Venue: Sports
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/sports12050133
Concurrent Validity and Reliability of a Free Smartphone Application for Evaluation of Jump Height
Authors: Dias Amândio, Pires Paulo, Santana Leandro, Marques Paulo, C. Espada Mário, Santos Fernando, Jorge Da Silva Eduardo, Rebelo André, S. Teixeira Diogo
Venue: Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/jfmk9030155
(Dis)satisfaction With Body Image, Lifestyles and Life Satisfaction in Higher Education Students
Authors: Ferreira-Barbosa Helena, Loureiro Vânia, Sabino Bebiana
Venue: Revista de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias de la Salud
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.46634/riics.287
Exploring strategic multi-leveraging of sport tourism events: An action-research study
Authors: Martins Rute, Mascarenhas Margarida, Pereira Elsa
Venue: Journal of Destination Marketing & Management
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2024.100902
Strategic environmental leverage of a sport tourism event: Approaching the global challenge locally
Authors: Rute Martins, Elsa Pereira, Margarida Mascarenhas
Venue: European Journal of Tourism Research
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.54055/ejtr.v37i.3528
Monitoring Within-Individual Dose–Response Relationships in Professional Soccer Players: The Importance of Fitness Level
Authors: Rabbani Alireza, Ermidis Giorgios, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Anderson Liam
Venue: International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.2023-0434
Schimago Q1
Relationship Between Short- and Long-Term Planning in Sports: A 12-Week Case Study of a Spanish Canoeing Coach
Authors: Costa Jardel, Neves Gonçalo, Yuzo Nakamura Fábio, Ribeiro João, Ramos Ana, Bell Lee, Loureiro Manuel, al et
Venue: International Sport Coaching Journal
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1123/iscj.2023-0077
Schimago Q2
Tactical and Technical Performance in Basketball Small-Sided Games: A Systematic Review
Authors: Jose Figueiredo de Souza Walber, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Naves de Oliveira Goulart Karine, De Conti Teixeira Costa Gustavo, Emerson Silva Cunha Peri, Savassi Figueiredo Lucas, Iop Laporta Lorenzo, al et
Venue: Retos
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v56.104564
Schimago Q2
The identification and development of young talent in Spanish soccer academies: A 10-year multi-study follow-up
Authors: Moran Jason, Cervera Raga Victor, Jones Benjamin, Tallent Jamie, Howe Louis, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Arede Jorge, Freeman Paul
Venue: International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17479541241254767
Schimago Q1
Flow Training Program: Mindfulness, Decision Making, and Mental Well-Being of Young and Adult Elite Handball Athletes
Authors: Luis Martiny, Gonçalo Dias, José Pedro Ferreira, Rodrigo Mendes, Rui Mendes
Venue: Sports
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/sports12060160
Influence of age on diastolic blood pressure
Authors: Leonor Maciel Faria, António Filipe Pinto Rodrigues, Patrícia Margarida dos Santos Carvalheiro Coelho
Venue: IV Seven International Congress of Health
Year: 2024  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.56238/homeivsevenhealth-020
Qualidade de vida, quedas e mobilidade de idosos portugueses, durante a pandemia COVID 19
Authors: Azevedo Ferreira Brandao de Loureiro Vania, Castillo-Viera Estefania, Cachola António, Rosa Tiago, Loureiro Nuno, Vânia Loureiro, Estefania Castillo Viera, Nuno Eduardo Marques de Loureiro
Venue: Retos
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v52.95705
Differences in the Development of Motor Skills in Portuguese Children Aged 12 Months after 3 Years of COVID-19 Confinement
Authors: M. Rebelo, Paulo Rui, HONÓRIO SAMUEL, Petrica, Alexandre Silva Batista Marco, Duarte-Mendes Pedro, Marques Catarina, J. Serrano
Venue: Children
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/children11080918
Effects of a combined training program on pain, stiffness, fatigue and well-being in women with fibromyalgia
Authors: MÓNICA SOUSA, JOÃO MOUTÃO, Rafael Oliveira, Susana Alves
Venue: Journal of Human Sport and Exercise
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.14198/jhse.2024.191.20
Enhancing Student Well-Being: The Impact of a Mindfulness-Based Program (Mind7 +) on Stress, Anxiety, Sleep Quality, and Social Interactions in a Sample of Portuguese University Students
Authors: Pinto Paula, Franco Susana, Alves Susana, Januário Patrícia, Barroso Isabel
Venue: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
Year: 2024  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-52524-7_11
Methodology and Experimental Protocol for Studying Learning and Motor Control in Neuromuscular Structures in Pilates
Authors: José Pereira Mário, André Alexandra, Monteiro Mário, António Castro Maria, Mendes Rui, Martins Fernando, Gomes Ricardo, Vaz Vasco, Dias Gonçalo
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare12020229
Tracking the Prevalence of Obesity in Portuguese School-Aged Children: What Future to Expect?
Authors: Valente Nelson, Forte Pedro, E. Teixeira José, Afonso Pedro, Ferreira Sérgio, A. Marinho Daniel, Duarte Mendes Pedro, Ferraz Ricardo, Branquinho Luís
Venue: Children
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/children11080976
Analysis of the External and Internal Load in Wheelchair Basketball Considering the Game Situation
Authors: V. Hernández-Beltrán, J Ibáñez Sergio, M. Espada, M. GAMONALES JOSÉ
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app14010269
Project virtual teams: systematic literature review
Authors: L. Pereira, C. H. Jerónimo, Simões Francisco, Á. Dias, R. Lopes da Costa, R. Gonçalves
Venue: International Journal of Agile Systems and Management
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijasm.2024.135370
Self-reported Physical Activity Levels, Leisure-time Physical Activity Preferences and Frequency of Non-Sedentary Behaviors: Comparative Study between Portuguese, Italian and Spanish Students Attending Higher Education
Authors: Miguel Paulo Rui, Ramalho André, Scursatone Isabella, Caire Maria, Bores Calle Nicolás, Bores-García Daniel, Espada María, Rebelo Miguel, Duarte-Mendes Pedro
Year: 2024  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202409.0122.v1
Home-based exercise interventions delivered by technology in older adults: A scoping review of technological tools usage
Authors: Raquel Costa-Brito Ana, Bovolini Antonio, Rúa-Alonso María, Vaz Cláudia, Francisco Ortega-Morán Juan, Blas Pagador J., Vila-Chã Carolina
Venue: International Journal of Medical Informatics
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2023.105287
Body Composition, Strength and Muscle Power Indices at the Different Competitive Levels of Futsal
Authors: Marques Catarina, Rebelo Miguel, Crisóstomo Rute, Batista Marco, Paulo Rui, Duarte-Mendes Pedro, Honório Samuel, Serrano João
Year: 2024  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202401.0266.v1
Assessment of recreational and tourist cycling routes. Case study in the West Region of Portugal
Authors: Luís Carvalhinho, Elsa Pereira, Rosana Durão, Paulo Filipe da Rosa
Venue: Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism
Year: 2024  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.jort.2023.100729
Sport Performance Indicators of the Miluh-Chagi Taekwondo Kick Technical System
Authors: Luís Sousa José, M. Gamonales José, Louro Hugo, Sobreiro Pedro, José Ibáñez Sergio
Year: 2023  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202307.0977.v1
Associations between the impact of menopausal symptoms and fall-related self-efficacy
Authors: Joao Espirito Santo, Fidel Hita-Contreras, Nuno Eduardo Marques de Loureiro, Vania Brandao Loureiro, Agustin Aibar-Almazan, Maria del Carmen Carcelen-Fraile, Raul Ortiz-Quesada
Venue: Menopause
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1097/GME.0000000000002151
Web Of Science
Epidemiology of Injuries in Amateur Male Soccer Players: A Prospective One-Year Study
Authors: Kekelekis Afxentios, Kounali Zoe, Kofotolis Nikolaos, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Kellis Eleftherios
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11030352
Schimago Q2
Psychometric properties and validity of the Menopause Rating Scale in postmenopausal Portuguese women
Authors: Espírito Santo João, Eduardo Marques de Loureiro Nuno, Brandão-Loureiro Vânia, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Hita-Contreras Fidel
Venue: Menopause
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1097/gme.0000000000002104
The Gaze Patterns of Group Fitness Instructors Based on Different Levels of Training and Professional Experience
Authors: Campos Francisco, Miguens Amaro Catarina, Pedro Marques Duarte João, Mendes Rui, M. L. Martins Fernando
Venue: Sports
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/sports11080153
Relationship of BMI with COVID-19
Authors: Coelho Patricia, Martins Manuel, Gavinhos Catarina, Liberal Joana, Cabral Ema, Ribeiro Inês, José Barbas Rodrigues Francisco
Year: 2023  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202310.2035.v1
Psychometric Properties of Different Versions of the Body Shape Questionnaire in Female Aesthetic Patients
Authors: Helder Miguel Fernandes, Patrícia Soler, Diogo Monteiro, Luís Cid, Jefferson Novaes
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11182590
Desenvolvimento, validação e aplicação piloto do Sistema de Observação de Feedback de Instrutores de Fitness em Aulas de Grupo (SOFIF-AGF).
Authors: Vera Simões, J. De Jesus Fernandes Rodrigues, L. Ramos, S. Alves, S.C. Alves Franco
Venue: Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.6018/cpd.560631
Portugal: Pathways of Sport for People with Disabilities
Authors: Leonardo José Mataruna-Dos-Santos, Anabela Vitorino, Nuno M. Pimenta
Venue: The Palgrave Handbook of Disability Sport in Europe
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21759-3_20
Relationship Between Talent Identification and Change of Direction in Young Basketball Players
Authors: ¿¿¿¿¿-¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿’¿-¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿-¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿
Venue: Physical Education Theory and Methodology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.17309/tmfv.2023.1.19
Schimago Q3
Determinants of sedentary behavior in elderly people living in Portugal: qualitative thematic analysis from the SOS-framework,Determinantes do comportamento sedentário de idosos que residem em Portugal: análise temática qualitativa a partir da SOS-framewo
Authors: A. Ramalho, S. Lima, J. Petrica, J. Serrano, P. Rui, P. Duarte-Mendes
Venue: Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.6018/cpd.519621
Intra-observer reproducibility and inter-observer agreement of Fels skeletal age assessments among male tennis players 8–16 years
Authors: P. Sousa-e-Silva, M.J. Coelho-e-Silva, J.M. Celis-Moreno, D.C. Costa, D.V. Martinho, L.P. Ribeiro, T. Oliveira, al et
Venue: BMC Pediatrics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s12887-023-03965-8
Evaluation of Reaction Time during the One-Leg Balance Activity in Young Soccer Players: A Pilot Study
Authors: Saraiva Flôres Fábio, Lourenço Joana, Phan Lucy, Jacobs Simon, Matheus Willig Renata, Ellen Pinto Marconcin Priscila, Casanova Nuno, al et
Venue: Children
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/children10040743
Schimago Q2
Intervention and mediation effects of a community-based singing group on older adults’ perceived physical and mental health: the Sing4Health randomized controlled trial
Authors: Iolanda Costa Galinha, Helder Miguel Fernandes, Maria Luísa Lima, António Labisa Palmeira
Venue: Psychology & Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2021.1955117
Web Of Science
Physical Fitness and Body Composition of Youth Referees in Invasion Games
Authors: Rúbio Gouveia Élvio, Lopes Helder, de Maio Nascimento Marcelo, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Sarmento Hugo, Ihle Andreas, Ferrari Gerson, al et
Venue: Children
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/children10040650
Schimago Q2
The Effectiveness of New Digital Technologies in Increasing Physical Activity Levels and Promoting Active and Healthy Ageing: A Narrative Review
Authors: Greco Gianpiero, Poli Luca, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Francesco Fischetti, Cataldi Stefania, Maugeri Andrea
Venue: Health & Social Care in the Community
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1155/2023/2803620
Schimago Q1
Heart rate variability behavior in athletes after a sports concussion: A systematic review
Authors: Flores Gonçalo, Monteiro Diogo, Silva Fernanda, Duarte-Mendes Pedro
Venue: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1111/sms.14409
Testing the concurrent validity and reliability of a lipowise digital skinfold caliper to assess muscle mass in healthy young adults
Authors: Leão César, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Silva Bruno, Pereira Joel, Badicu Georgian, Camões Miguel, Maria Cancela José
Venue: Heliyon
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17569
Schimago Q1
Characteristics of resistance training-based protocols in older adults with sarcopenic obesity: a scoping review of training procedure recommendations
Authors: Santos Lopes da Silva Leonardo, da Silva Gonçalves Leonardo, Pugliesi Abdalla Pedro, Jonas Rodrigues Benjamim Cícero, Fernando Tasinafo Márcio, Cláudia Rossini Venturini Ana, Bohn Lucimere, al et
Venue: Frontiers in Nutrition
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1179832
Web Of Science
Association between the Upper Quarter Dynamic Balance, Anthropometrics, Kinematics, and Swimming Speed
Authors: F. Bartolomeu Raul, Sampaio Tatiana, P. Oliveira João, M. Barbosa Tiago, E. Morais Jorge
Venue: Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/jfmk8030096
Mediating Effect of Motivation on the Relationship of Fitness with Volitional High-Intensity Exercise in High-School Students
Authors: Bento André, Carrasco Luis, Raimundo Armando
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11060800
A randomized controlled trial on the effects of "Global Postural Re-education" versus neck specific exercise on pain, disability, postural control, and neuromuscular features in women with chronic non-specific neck pain
Venue: European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.23736/s1973-9087.22.07554-2
Validation of an App for the Awareness of Active Ageing Linked to Cultural Heritage
Authors: J.F. Ortega Morán, C. Vila-Chã, D. Zamillo, A. Curaj, F.M. Sánchez Margallo, J.B. Pagador
Venue: Gerontechnology V. IWoG 2022.
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-29067-1_15
The Importance Assigned by Pregnant Women to the Quality Characteristics of Fitness Instructors. A Qualitative Study
Authors: Fernandes de Carvalho Marta, Franco Susana, Simões Vera, Ramos Liliana, Santos-Rocha Rita
Venue: Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.2147/jmdh.s293693
Tendências do Fitness em Portugal para 2023
Authors: Franco Susana, Santos Rocha Rita, Simões Vera, Ramalho Fátima, Vieira Isabel, Ramos Liliana
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v48.97094
Moderate physical activity reduces the odds of sarcopenia in community-dwelling older women: a cross-sectional study
Authors: Augusto Gonçalves Marini José, Pugliesi Abdalla Pedro, Bohn Lucimere, Mota Jorge, Duncan Michael, Pereira dos Santos André, Roberto Lopes Machado Dalmo
Venue: Current Aging Science
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.2174/1874609816666230330171930
Association of minimally processed and ultra-processed food daily consumption with obesity in overweight adults: a cross-sectional study
Authors: v Silva Leonardo, Pugliesi Abdalla Pedro, Bohn Lucimere, Gavassa de Araújo Rafael, de Freitas Batalhão Daniel, Cláudia Rossini Venturini Ana, dos Santos Carvalho Anderson, al et
Venue: Nutrición Hospitalaria
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.20960/nh.04270
Effectiveness of Conservative Interventions After Acute Hamstrings Injuries in Athletes: A Living Systematic Review
Authors: Afonso José, Olivares-Jabalera Jesús, J. Fernandes Ricardo, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Rocha-Rodrigues Sílvia, Gustavo Claudino João, Ramirez-Campillo Rodrigo, al et
Venue: Sports Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1007/s40279-022-01783-z
Schimago Q1
Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass Prediction in People Living With HIV: A Cross-sectional Study
Authors: Pereira dos Santos André, Marliere Navarro Anderson, Santos Lopes da Silva Leonardo, M. Erlandson Kristine, R. Webel Allison, Oliveira Vitor, Pugliesi Abdalla Pedro, al et
Venue: Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1097/jnc.0000000000000400
Web Of Science
Editorial: Physical exercise related to student's academic performance
Authors: S. Honório, M. Batista, J. Santos, M. Vandoni
Venue: Frontiers in Psychology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1220616
Handgrip strength asymmetry cut points to identify slow gait speed in six low- and middle-income countries: A cross-sectional analysis with 12,669 older adults
Authors: Pedro Pugliesi Abdalla, Lucimere Bohn, Emerson Sebastiao, Andre Pereira dos Santos, Marcio Fernando Tasinafo Jr, Leonardo Santos Lopes da Silva, Thiago Candido Alves, al et
Venue: Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.archger.2022.104869
Web Of Science
Visual Information in Basketball Jump-Shots: Differences between Youth and Adult Athletes
Authors: Marques Rui, Manuel Lourenço Martins Fernando, Gomes Ricardo, V Martinho Diogo, Mendes Rui, A. Moore Sarah, J Coelho-e-Silva Manuel, Dias Gonçalo
Venue: Journal of Human Kinetics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/jhk/163447
Neuromuscular and balance adaptations following basketball-specific training programs based on combined drop jump and multidirectional repeated sprint versus multidirectional plyometric training
Authors: Brini Seifeddine, Filipe Rama Travassos Bruno, Boullosa Daniel, Calleja-González Julio, Ramirez-Campillo Rodrigo, Nobari Hadi, Castagna Carlo, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Paolo Ardigò Luca
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0283026
Schimago Q1
Match running performance profiles of amputee football players at the national level
Authors: Muracki Jaroslaw, Nowak Michal, Kawczynski Adam, Filipa Silva Ana, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: Scientific Reports
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-36856-0
Schimago Q1
Recovery of kicking kinematics and performance following repeated high-intensity running bouts in the heat: Can a rapid local cooling intervention help young soccer players?
Authors: H. Palucci Vieira Luiz, Carling Christopher, A. Kalva-Filho Carlos, B. Santinelli Felipe, A. G. Velluto Lorenzo, Pedro da Silva João, M Clemente Filipe, Kellis Eleftherios, A Barbieri Fabio
Venue: Journal of Sports Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2023.2220194
Schimago Q1
La práctica de actividad física se asocia con mejor cálculo matemático, razonamiento lingüístico, com-portamiento y atención en chicas TDAH (Physical activity is associated with improved mathematical computation, language reasoning, behavior and attention
Authors: Suárez-Manzano Sara, Luis Solas-Martínez Jose, Loureiro Vania, Rusillo-Magdaleno Alba, Sara Suárez-Manzano, Jose Luis Solas-Martínez, Vania Loureiro, Alba Rusillo-Magdaleno
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v51.101337
Dietary intakes and daily distribution patterns of macronutrients in youth soccer players
Authors: Diogo V. Martinho, Robert J. Naughton, César Leão, João Lemos, Adam Field, Ana Faria, André Rebelo, Élvio R. Gouveia, Hugo Sarmento
Venue: Frontiers in Nutrition
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1134845
Schimago Q1
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet in young male soccer players
Authors: Leão César, Rocha-Rodrigues Sílvia, Machado Inês, Lemos João, Leal Sandra, Nobari Hadi
Venue: BMC Nutrition
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s40795-023-00761-6
Schimago Q2
Electrocardiographic criteria for left ventricular
Authors: António Gregório Martins, António Filipe Rodrigues, Patrícia Coelho, Francisco Rodrigues, Joana Pires
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.56238/seveniiimulti2023-246
Authors: Sónia Mateus, Mariana Cavaco, Daniela Rocha, Lucinda Carvalho, Patricia Coelho, Francisco Rodrigues, Joana Pires
Venue: Journal of Hypertension
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000941956.31520.92
Relationship between BMI and COVID-19
Authors: Coelho Patrícia, Martins Manuel, Gavinhos Catarina, Liberal Joana, Cabral Ema, Ribeiro Inês, Rodrigues Francisco
Venue: COVID
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/covid3110117
Vascular risk factors and carotid atheromatous disease in patients over 65 years of age
Authors: Sónia Mateus, Mina Vanda Pós de, Patrícia Coelho, Francisco Rodrigues, Irene Mendes
Venue: Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.17352/2455-2976.000198
Construction and Validation of the Proposal for Safety and Emergency Material and Equipment in Mountain Sports
Authors: Daniel Gomes Mata Carlos, Pereira Catarina, Carvalhinho Luís
Venue: Portuguese Journal of Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1159/000531882
Flexibility and mobility parameters in climbers and non-climbers
Authors: Torres Bernardete, Cunha Nelson, Silva Bruno
Venue: Sustainability and Sports Science Journal
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.61486/imaj6031
Self-perception of dual career barriers and athletic identity in student-athletes with disabilities according to disability type and level of professionalization
Authors: M. J. Maciá-Andreu, R. Vaquero-Cristóbal, L. Meroño, L. Abenza-Cano, J. A. García-Roca, F. J. Cánovas-Álvarez, A. Díaz-Aroca, al et
Venue: Scientific Reports
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-47881-4
Health and fitness trends in Southern Europe for 2023: A cross-sectional survey.
Authors: A. Batrakoulis, O. Veiga, S. Franco, E. Thomas, M. Valcarce-Torrente, R. Santos-Rocha, F. Ramalho, al et
Venue: AIMS Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3934/publichealth.2023028
Web Of Science
The Importance Assigned by Pregnant Women to the Quality Characteristics of Fitness Instructors - A Qualitative Study.
Authors: M. Carvalho, S. Franco, Vera Simões, L. Ramos, R. Santos-Rocha
Venue: Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.2147/jmdh.s293693
Web Of Science
Seasonality and Objective Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour among Older Adults from Four European Countries
Authors: Martins João, Masoumi Houshmand, Loureiro Vânia, Isabel Boteta Gomes Margarida, Ratinho Fortunata, D. Ribeiro Tiago, Mehriar Melika, al et
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11172395
Associations between the severity of menopausal symptoms and musculoskeletal pain in postmenopausal Portuguese women
Authors: Espírito Santo João, Leyre Lavilla-Lerma María, del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile María, Eduardo Marques de Loureiro Nuno, Brandão-Loureiro Vânia, Alzar-Teruel María, Ortiz-Quesada Raúl
Venue: International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.15271
The Effects of Pre-Season and Relationships with Physical, Physiological, Body Composition, and Load Markers: A Case Study Comparing Starters versus Non-Starters from an Elite Female Professional Soccer Team
Authors: Oliveira Rafael, Paulo Brito João, Fernandes Renato, Morgans Ryland, Alves Susana, JORGE LOURENÇO DOS SANTOS FERNANDO, Pinto Paula, Espada Mario
Venue: Medicina
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/medicina59122156
Furtado, G., Reis, A., Braga-Pereira, R., Caldo-Silva, A., Teques, P., Sampaio, A., Santos, C., Bachi, A., Campos, F., Borges, G., & Brito-Costa, S. (2023). Impact of exercise interventions on sustained brain health outcomes in frail older individuals: a
Authors: Campos Francisco
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11243160
Os comportamentos do instrutor de Aeróbica: caracterização e comparação segundo a sua formação e experiência
Authors: Campos Francisco, Sá Paulo, Costa Rúben, Martins Martins
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v49.98809
Integración de la actividad física en el aula y sus efectos físicos y cognitivo-académicos. Una revisión sistemática y una guía práctica educativa (Integration of physical activity into the classroom and its physical and cognitive-academic effects. A syst
Authors: Cámara Martínez Alba, J. Martínez López Emilio, Suarez-Manzano Sara, Vânia Azevedo Ferreira Brandão Loureiro, Ruiz Ariza Alberto
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v49.97957
Multicomponent recreational team handball training improves global health status in postmenopausal women at the long term – A randomised controlled trial
Authors: Pereira Rita, Krustrup Peter, Castagna Carlo, Coelho Eduardo, Wulff Helge Eva, Rye Jørgensen Niklas, Vila-Chã Carolina, al et
Venue: European Journal of Sport Science
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2023.2184725
Desenvolvimento, Validação e Aplicação Piloto do Sistema de Observação de Feedback de Instrutores de Fitness em Aulas de Grupo (SOFIF-AG)
Authors: Simoes Vera, Rodrigues José, Ramos Liliana, Alves Susana, Franco Susana
Venue: Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.6018/cpd.560631
The effect of pitch size manipulation during small sided-games performed by different age category football players: a pilot study
Venue: Journal of Men's Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.110
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) for the Assessment of Body Composition in Oncology: A Scoping Review
Authors: Mariana Garcia Branco, Carlota Mateus, Manuel Luís Capelas, M Pimenta Nuno, Teresa Santos, Antti Mäkitie, Susana Ganhão-Arranhado, Carolina Trabulo, Paula Ravasco
Venue: Nutrients
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/nu15224792
Análise sazonal dos casos e óbitos por COVID-19 entre pessoas idosas no Distrito Federal, Brasil
Authors: Fabiana Medeiros de Almeida Silva, Marisete Peralta Safons
Venue: Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.55905/cuadv15n10-094
Study of the differences in BMI among Skydivers according to age group, modality, type of practice and experience; [ESTUDIO DE LAS DIFERENCIAS EN EL IMC ENTRE PARACAIDISTAS EN FUNCIÓN DEL GRUPO DE EDAD, DISCIPLINA, TIPO DE PRÁCTICA Y EXPERIENCIA]
Authors: Tiago Machado, Joao Serrano, Paulo Silveira, Antonio Antúnez, Sergio J. Ibáñez
Venue: E-balonmano com Journal Sports Science
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.17398/1885-7019.19.43
No Relative Age Effect Among Brazilian Elite Female Futsal Athletes
Authors: Aparecida Alves Rodrigues Mylena, de Oliveira Vivian, de Castro Ribeiro Lucas, William Bortolan Kevin, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Franco Lima Ricardo, Savassi Figueiredo Lucas, de Oliveira Castro Henrique
Venue: Kinesiology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.26582/k.55.1.14
Schimago Q2
Right to play promotion in primary education in Portugal: impact on children's satisfaction levels and recess interactions
Authors: Ana Lourenco, Beatriz Pereira, Rui Mendes, Fernando Martins
Venue: RETOS - Neuvas Tendencias en Educacion Fisica, Deporte Y Recreacion
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI:
Web Of Science
Influence of Cluster Sets on Mechanical and Perceptual Variables in Adolescent Athletes
Authors: Api Gustavo, Francisco dos Santos Legnani Rosimeide, Bertella Foschiera Diogo, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Legnani Elto
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20042810
Schimago Q2
Contemporary practices of Portuguese and Brazilian soccer coaches in designing and applying small-sided games
Authors: Filipe Clemente, José Afonso, Rui Miguel Silva, Rodrigo Aquino, Luiz Palucci Vieira, Fernando Santos, Israel Teoldo, al et
Venue: Biology of Sport
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/biolsport.2024.132985
effect of acute caffeine ingestion on physical performance in elite European competitive soccer match-play
Authors: Morgans Ryland, Rhodes David, Orme Patrick, Bezuglov Eduard, Di Michele Rocco, Teixeira Jose, Oliveira Rafael
Venue: Scientific Journal of Sport and Performance
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.55860/bdxs3572
The COVID-19 pandemic impact on the Portuguese Physical Education classes
Authors: Cabral Mendes Pedro
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Magazine-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v49.98282
Campos, F., Curado, D., Simões, D., & Martins, F. (2023). Pedagogical feedback for group exercise fitness activities. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(5), 1111-1118.
Authors: Campos Francisco
Venue: Journal of Physical Education and Sport
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2023.05139
Handgrip strength conditional tolerance regions suggest the need for personalized sarcopenia definition: an analysis of the American NHANES database
Authors: Matabuena Marcos, Pugliesi Abdalla Pedro, Roberto Lopes Machado Dalmo, Bohn Lucimere, Mota Jorge
Venue: Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1007/s40520-023-02398-8
Web Of Science
Multicompartment body composition analysis in older adults: a cross-sectional study.
Authors: AC Rossini-Venturini, L Veras, PP Abdalla, APD Santos, MF Tasinafo-Junior, LSLD Silva, TC Alves, al et
Venue: BMC Geriatrics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s12877-023-03752-1
Obesity Status and Physical Fitness Levels in Male and Female Portuguese Adolescents: A Two-Way Multivariate Analysis
Authors: Samuel Encarnação, Filipe Rodrigues, António Miguel Monteiro, Hatem Gouili, Soukaina Hattabi, Andrew Sortwell, Luís Branquinho, al et
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20126115
The Effect of Combined Strength Training on Vertical Jump Performance in Young Basketball Players: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Authors: Sahin Uysal Hüseyin, Dalkiran Oguzhan, Korkmaz Sezgin, Akyildiz Zeki, Nobari Hadi, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: Strength & Conditioning Journal
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1519/ssc.0000000000000762
Schimago Q1
Quidditch como deporte colaborativo en el área de Educación Física
Authors: Gámez Calvo Luisa, V. Hernández-Beltrán, Espada Mario, M. GAMONALES JOSÉ
Venue: e-Motion: Revista de Educación, Motricidad e Investigación
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.33776/remo.vi20.7435
Analysis of the evolution of the number of federation licenses in Spain (2009-2021)
Venue: Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.12800/ccd.v18i57.2041
Perceived self-efficacy by Under-10 tennis players when scaling the equipment and play area
Authors: Jose Maria Gimenez-Egido, João Carvalho, Duarte Araújo, Enrique Ortega-Toro
Venue: Psychology of Sport and Exercise
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2023.102407
Lucha contra las especies invasoras: prácticas STEAM y conservación de la diversidad
Authors: Laura Costa Sofia, Rodrigues Margarida, Martins Fernando, Bernardino Lopes Joaquim, Sá-Pinto Alexandra, Cardoso Inês, Costa Cecília
Venue: DEDiCA Revista de Educação e Humanidades (dreh)
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.30827/dreh.21.2023.28797
Optimizing outdoor fitness equipment training for older adults: Benefits and future directions for healthy aging
Authors: Jorge Marcos-Pardo Pablo, Espeso-García Alejandro, Abelleira-Lamela Tomás, Roberto Lopes Machado Dalmo
Venue: Experimental Gerontology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.exger.2023.112279
Age-dependent changes in physical performance in community dwelling elderly women. A cross-sectional study
Authors: Ferragut Carmen, Vila Suarez Helena, Lima Miguel, Paulo Rodrigues Luis, Bezerra Pedro, María Cancela José
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v48.97070
Schimago Q2
Endurance performance adaptations between SSG and HIIT in soccer players: A meta-analysis
Authors: Manuel Clemente Filipe, Moran Jason, Ramirez-Campillo Rodrigo, Beato Marco, Afonso José
Venue: International Journal of Sports Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1055/a-2171-3255
Schimago Q2
Acute:chronic workload ratio and training monotony variations over the season in professional soccer: A systematic review
Authors: Rico-González Markel, Tomás González Fernández Francisco, Oliveira Rafael, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17543371231194283
Schimago Q2
Kindergarten Affordances for Physical Activity and Preschoolers’ Motor and Social-Emotional Competence
Authors: Moreira Mariana, Veiga Guida, Lopes Frederico, Hales Derek, Luz Carlos, Cordovil Rita
Venue: Children
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/children10020214
The Perils of Misinterpreting and Misusing “Publication Bias” in Meta-analyses: An Education Review on Funnel Plot-Based Methods
Authors: Afonso José, Ramirez-Campillo Rodrigo, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Cléirigh Büttner Fionn, Andrade Renato
Venue: Sports Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1007/s40279-023-01927-9
Schimago Q1
Fatores influenciadores e inibidores do desenvolvimento de ações ofensivas em superioridade numérica 7x6 em Andebol
Authors: Branco João, Manuel Azevedo António, Eira Paulo, Ribeiro Rafael
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v50.99306
Authors: Petrica João
Venue: Open Science Research X
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.37885/221211357
The effects of a 12-week yoga program on the CoP of military pilots before and after a flight emergency simulation using Biosignals Plux force platform
Authors: Santos Sara, Alberto Parraca José, Alegrete Joana, Alexandra Cabo Carolina, Melo Filipe, Fernandes Orlando
Venue: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17543371231196340
Authors: Luis Eugênio Martiny, Larissa Zanetti Theil, Eloy Maciel Neto, Gonçalo Dias, José Pedro Ferreira, Rui Mendes
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.54751/revistafoco.v16n8-118
Effects of pitch size on soccer players’ physiological, physical, technical, and tactical responses during small-sided games: a meta-analytical comparison
Authors: Silva Rui
Venue: Biology of Sport
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/biolsport.2023.110748
Season jump performance and wellness variables in Turkish national youth wrestlers
Authors: Silva Rui
Venue: Human Movement
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/hm.2023.116411
Holistic soccer profile by position: a theoretical framework
Authors: Silva Rui
Venue: Human Movement
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/hm.2023.110751
Reaction forces and bone maturation in taekwondo: comparison with and without tatami
Authors: Rocha Fernando, Conceição Ana, Mata Carlos, Narciso Janine, M. Costa Aldo, Branco Marco, Louro Hugo
Venue: Human Movement
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/hm.2023.107246
Health and fitness trends in Southern Europe for 2023: A cross-sectional survey
Authors: Batrakoulis Alexios, L Veiga Oscar, Franco Susana, Thomas Ewan, Alexopoulos Antonios, Valcarce-Torrente Manel, Santos-Rocha Rita, al et
Venue: AIMS Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3934/publichealth.2023028
Children’s Physical Activity During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross Cultural Comparison Between Portugal, Brazil and Italy
Authors: Pombo André, Luz Carlos, P. Rodrigues Luis, dos Santos C. de Sá Cristina, Bonilha Huster Siegle Cristhina, Tortella Patrizia, Fumagalli Guido, Cordovil Rita
Venue: Perceptual and Motor Skills
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/00315125231152662
What Kind of Interpersonal Need-Supportive or Need-Thwarting Teaching Style Is More Associated With Positive Consequences in Physical Education?
Authors: M. Leo Francisco, Behzadnia Behzad, A. López-Gajardo Miguel, Batista Marco, J. Pulido Juan
Venue: Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1123/jtpe.2022-0040
A relação entre as necessidades psicológicas básicas e da motivação autónoma no estilo de liderança do treinador sobre o bem-estar subjetivo de atletas de desporto adaptado integrantes do Special Olympics
Authors: Manuel Folgado dos Santos Jorge, Domingues Ana, Batista Marco, Serrano João, Honório Samuel, Rente Ivone, Petrica João
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v50.99633
Movement variability in Pilates: a scoping review
Authors: Mário José Pereira, Gonçalo Dias, Rui Mendes, Fernando Martins, Ricardo Gomes, Maria António Castro, Vasco Vaz
Venue: Frontiers in Psychology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1195055
Web Of Science
Using inertial measurement units for quantifying the most intense jumping movements occurring in professional male volleyball players
Authors: Franco Lima Ricardo, Filipa Silva Ana, Matos Sérgio, de Oliveira Castro Henrique, Rebelo André, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Nobari Hadi
Venue: Scientific Reports
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-33056-8
Web Of Science
The Impact of Multicomponent Exercise Protocols Order on the Maximum Voluntary Contraction of Older Women
Authors: Miguel Monteiro António, Rodrigues Sandra, Matos Sérgio, Encarnação Samuel, Eduardo Teixeira José, M. Barbosa Tiago, Rodrigues Filipe, Forte Pedro
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app13148044
Web Of Science
Learning to cycle: a constraint-led intervention programme using different cycling task constraints
Authors: Mercê Cristiana, Davids Keith, Catela David, Branco Marco, Correia Vanda, Cordovil Rita
Venue: Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2023.2185599
Physical Therapists’ Choices, Views and Agreements Regarding Non-Pharmacological and Non-Surgical Interventions for Knee Osteoarthritis Patients: A Mixed-Methods Study
Authors: Ferreira Ricardo, N. Martins Pedro, Pimenta Nuno, S. Gonçalves Rui
Venue: Mediterranean Journal of Rheumatology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.31138/mjr.34.2.188
Correction: Mollinedo-Cardalda et al. Health-Related Functional Fitness within the Elderly Communities of Five European Countries: The in Common Sports Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 12810
Authors: Mollinedo-Cardalda Irimia, Ferreira Manuela, Bezerra Pedro, María Cancela-Carral José
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20126186
Schimago Q2
What are students thinking in Physical Education classes
Authors: Honório Samuel
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v49.99130
Using machine learning to determine the positions of professional soccer players in terms of biomechanical variables
Authors: Hilal Yagin Fatma, CH Hasan Uday, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Eken Ozgur, Badicu Georgian, Gulu Mehmet
Venue: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17543371231199814
Schimago Q2
Setting Decision Making in male high- level volleyball: a study from ecological theory and social network analysis perspective
Authors: De Conti Teixeira Costa Gustavo, Henrique Nascimento Marcos, Laporta Lorenzo, Cezar Rodrigues Rocha Augusto, Andre Barbosa De Lira Claudio, Hebling Campos Mario, Ferreira Pedrosa Gustavo, al et
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v50.98679
Schimago Q2
Stroke and physiological relationships during the incremental front crawl test: outcomes for planning and pacing aerobic training
Authors: A. F. Almeida Tiago, C. Espada Mário, A. Massini Danilo, G. Macedo Anderson, A. Castro Eliane, C. Ferreira Cátia, F. Reis Joana, M. Pessôa Filho Dalton
Venue: Frontiers in Physiology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1241948
Body Composition Relationship to Performance, Cardiorespiratory Profile, and Tether Force in Youth Trained Swimmers
Authors: Espada Mario, C. Ferreira Cátia, M. GAMONALES JOSÉ, V. Hernández-Beltrán, Alexandre Massini Danilo, G. Macedo Anderson, Almeida Tiago, A. Castro Eliane, Müller Pessôa Filho Dalton
Venue: Life
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/life13091806
Authors: Martinho Carla, Silvestre Claudia, Luz Carlos, Nunes Cristina
Venue: EDULEARN Proceedings
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.2128
Effects of Combined Training Programs in Individuals with Fibromyalgia: A Systematic Review
Authors: Sousa Mónica, Oliveira Rafael, Paulo Brito João, Duarte Martins Alexandre, Moutão João, Alves Susana
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11121708
Sex-Specific Accumulated Oxygen Deficit During Short- and Middle-Distance Swimming Performance in Competitive Youth Athletes
Authors: Alexandre Massini Danilo, Almeida Tiago, Macedo Anderson, Espada Mario, F. Reis Joana, Alves Francisco, J. Fernandes Ricardo, Müller Pessôa Filho Dalton
Venue: Sports Medicine - Open
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s40798-023-00594-4
The Quiet Epidemic: An Overview of Emerging Qualitative Research Trends on Sedentary Behavior in Aging Populations
Authors: André Ramalho, João Petrica, Ramalho André, Petrica João
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11152215
Knowledge in Motion: A Comprehensive Review of Evidence-Based Human Kinetics
Authors: André Ramalho, João Petrica
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20116020
Effects of Exercise and Sports Intervention and the Involvement Level on the Mineral Health of Different Bone Sites in the Leg, Hip, and Spine: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Thiago. Pires Oliveira, Espada Mario, Alexandre Massini Danilo, A. M. Robalo Ricardo, Almeida Tiago, V. Hernández-Beltrán, M. GAMONALES JOSÉ, A. Castro Eliane, Müller Pessôa Filho Dalton
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20156537
Incidence of Injuries in Elite Spanish Male Youth Football Players: A Season-Long Study with Under-10 to Under-18 Athletes
Authors: Barguerias-Martínez Jesus, Espada Mario, Perdomo-Alonso Abian, Gomez-Carrero Sergio, M. Costa Aldo, V. Hernández-Beltrán, M. GAMONALES JOSÉ
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app13169084
An online home-based exercise program improves autonomic dysfunction in breast cancer survivors
Authors: Ana Myriam Lavín-Pérez, Daniel Collado-Mateo, Carmen Hinojo González, Marco Batista, Xián Mayo, Cristina Ruisánchez Villar, Alfonso Jiménez
Venue: Frontiers in Physiology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1256644
Relationship between Objective and Subjective Fatigue Monitoring Tests in Professional Soccer
Authors: João Lourenço, Élvio Rúbio Gouveia, Hugo Sarmento, Andreas Ihle, Tiago Ribeiro, Ricardo Henriques, Francisco Martins, al et
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20021539
Evaluation of Blood Pressure in African and Caucasian Race Individuals
Authors: Filipe Pinto Rodrigues António, Margarida dos Santos Carvalheiro Coelho Patrícia, José Marques Pereira Alexandre
Venue: International Journal of Health Science
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593502307072
Documents Publication Evolution (1990–2022) Related to Physical Activity and Healthy Habits, a Bibliometric Review
Authors: V. Hernández-Beltrán, Espada Mario, JORGE LOURENÇO DOS SANTOS FERNANDO, C. Ferreira Cátia, M. GAMONALES JOSÉ
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11121669
Authors: Marta Carlos, Almeida Telma, Silveira Paulo, Alves Ana, Casanova Natalina, Mesquita Helena
Venue: Egitania Sciencia
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.46691/
Comparison of external load measures per minute based on match seasonal periods and playing positions of a soccer Turkish super league team
Authors: Zeki Akyildiz, Yilmaz Yüksel, Yasar Birgonül, Halil Ibrahim Ceylan, Rafael Franco Soares Oliveira, Erhan Çene, Coskun Parim, Filipe Manuel Clemente, Hadi Nobari
Venue: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s12891-023-06787-y
Underlining there is nothing wrong with osteopathy
Authors: Espírito Santo João, Moita João, Campos Buno, Nunes Alexandre
Venue: International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijosm.2023.100692
The assessment of the match performance of association football referees: Identification of key variables
Authors: Carvalho Vítor, T. Esteves Pedro, Nunes Célia, Helsen Werner, Travassos Bruno
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291917
Analyzing continuous coach education courses in Portugal: Implications for youth development
Authors: Fernando Santos, Scott Rathwell, Bebiana Sabino, Martin Camiré, Leisha Strachan, Dany J. MacDonald
Venue: International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17479541231164736
2023 Fitness Trends from Around the Globe
Authors: V.M. Kercher, K. Kercher, P. Levy, T. Bennion, C. Alexander, P.C. Amaral, A. Batrakoulis, al et
Venue: ACSM'S Health & Fitness Journal
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1249/fit.0000000000000836
The importance of oriented physical activity in the first 48 months : differences in motor skills
Authors: Miguel Rebelo, João Serrano, Rui Paulo, Pedro Duarte-mendes, Jorge Santos, Samuel Honório, João Petrica
Venue: BMC Pediatrics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s12887-023-04060-8
Web Of Science
Testing the concurrent validity and reliability of a lipowise digital skinfold caliper to assess muscle mass in healthy young adults
Authors: Leão César, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Silva Bruno, Pereira Joel, Badicu Georgian, Camões Miguel, Maria Cancela José
Venue: Heliyon
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17569
Assessment of asymmetry at different intensities between conventional and paralympic powerlifting athletes
Authors: Rafael Luiz Mesquita Souza, Felipe J. Aidar, Rodrigo Villar, Gianpiero Greco, Leonardo dos Santos, Luca Poli, Jefferson Lima de Santana, al et
Venue: Heliyon
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e16211
Web Of Science
Schimago Q1
Artificial intelligence in health and science: an introspection
Authors: Ferreira Ricardo
Venue: Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.17267/2675-021xevidence.2023.e5236
Venue: Anais do II Congresso Brasileiro On-line de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.51189/ii-ensipex/17967
Venue: Anais do II Congresso Brasileiro On-line de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.51189/ii-ensipex/17381
Venue: Anais do II Congresso Brasileiro On-line de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.51189/ii-ensipex/17239
Venue: Anais do II Congresso Brasileiro On-line de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.51189/ii-ensipex/16836
O sono na pessoa com deficiência motora
Authors: Inês Rodrigues, Cristina Carrondo, Daniela Cardoso, Patrícia Coelho, Francisco Rodrigues
Venue: Egitania Sciencia
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.46691/es.v1i32.156
Machine learning application in soccer: a systematic review
Authors: Markel Rico-Gonzalez, Jose Pino-Ortega, Amaia Mendez, Filipe Manuel Clemente, Arnold Baca
Venue: Biology of Sport
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/biolsport.2023.112970
Web Of Science
Schimago Q1
Warm-up optimization in amateur male soccer players: A comparison of small-sided games and traditional warm-up routines on physical fitness qualities
Authors: Rohit K. Thapa, Filipe M. Clemente, Jason Moran, Felipe Garcia-Pinillos, Aaron T. Scanlan, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo
Venue: Biology of Sport
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/biolsport.2023.114286
Web Of Science
Schimago Q1
The relationship between ambient temperature and match running performance of elite soccer players
Authors: Morgans Ryland, Cè Emiliano, Bezuglov Eduard, Rhodes Dave, Teixeira Jose, Modric Toni, Versic Sime, Di Michele Rocco, Oliveira Rafael
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0288494
PoPu-Data: A Multilayered, Simultaneously Collected Lying Position Dataset
Authors: Luís Fonseca, Fernando Ribeiro, José Metrôlho, Adriana Santos, Rogério Dionisio, Mohammad Mohammad Amini, Arlindo F. Silva, al et
Venue: Data
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/data8070120
Web Of Science
Analysis of individual performance indicators of football goalkeeper
Authors: Tienza-Valverde Alberto, Hernández-Beltrán Víctor, C. Espada Mario, Bravo-Sánchez Alfredo, J. Santos Fernando, M. Gamonales José
Venue: Apunts Sports Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.apunsm.2023.100420
Oxygen Uptake Kinetics and Time Limit at Maximal Aerobic Workload in Tethered Swimming
Authors: Alexandre Massini Danilo, Espada Mario, G. Macedo Anderson, JORGE LOURENÇO DOS SANTOS FERNANDO, A. Castro Eliane, C. Ferreira Cátia, A. M. Robalo Ricardo, al et
Venue: Metabolites
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/metabo13070773
Lower Limb Unilateral and Bilateral Strength Asymmetry in High-Level Male Senior and Professional Football Players
Authors: Mário C. Espada, Marco Jardim, Rafael Assunção, Alexandre Estaca, Cátia C. Ferreira, Dalton M. Pessôa Filho, Carlos E. L. Verardi, José M. Gamonales, Fernando J. Santos
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11111579
The Effects of Massage Guns on Performance and Recovery: A Systematic Review
Authors: Ferreira Ricardo, Silva Rafael, Vigario Pedro, Nunes Martins Pedro, Filipe Casanova, J. Fernandes Ricardo, Rodrigues Sampaio António
Venue: Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/jfmk8030138
Promoção do direito a brincar nas escolas do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico em Portugal: impacto no índice de satisfação das crianças e nas interações no recreio
Authors: Lourenço Ana, Pereira Beatriz, Mendes Rui, Martins Fernando
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v50.99927
A imagem do instrutor de atividades de grupo de fitness
Authors: Campos Francisco, Gomes Ricardo, Martins Fernando
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v49.98954
Feasibility of a Supervised Postpartum Exercise Program and Effects on Maternal Health and Fitness Parameters—Pilot Study
Authors: Brites-Lagos Carla, Ramos Liliana, Szumilewicz Anna, Santos-Rocha Rita
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11202801
Construção e validação do instrumento: checklist e matriz de avaliação do risco (CMAR) em desportos de montanha
Authors: Mata Carlos, Pereira Catarina, Carvalhinho Luís
Venue: Motricidade
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.6063/MOTRICIDADE.28118
Web Of Science
Analysis of the basket shot in wheelchair basketball
Authors: Víctor Hernández-Beltrán, Jesús Muñoz-Jiménez, Mario C. Espada, Luis Felipe Castelli Correia de Campos, José M. Gamonales
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v48.97205
External and internal load during the effort tests in different ages in young futsal players: association between leg power, shot speed and fatigue levels
Authors: Honório S., Batista M., Santos J., Serrano J., Petrica J., Vieira F., Martins J.
Venue: Comparative Exercise Physiology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3920/cep220041
Current status of sport performance in Boccia: systematic review of the literature
Authors: Cátia Ferreira, José Gamonales, Mario Espada, Jesús Muñoz-Jiménez
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v48.95110
Analysis of the Pinfuvote as a new alternative sport for the field of Physical Education
Authors: Víctor Hernández-Beltrán, José M. Barranca-Martínez, Luisa Gámez-Calvo, Victor A. González-Coto, Maria Aguilar-Berrocal, Mario C. Espada, José M. Gamonales
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v48.97006
Using Educational Robotics in Pre-Service Teacher Training: Orchestration between an Exploration Guide and Teacher Role
Authors: Jorge Pratas Silva Ricardo, M. L. Martins Fernando, Cravino José, Martins Paulo, Cecília Costa, Bernardino Lopes J.
Venue: Education Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/educsci13020210
Web Of Science
Sleep duration and cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescents: Longitudinal analysis from the LabMed study
Authors: Eduarda Sousa-Sá, Ana Paula Fonseca, Luís Lopes, Sandra Abreu, Carla Moreira, César Agostinis-Sobrinho, André Oliveira, Carolina Azevedo, Rute Santos
Venue: Journal of Adolescence
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1002/jad.12273
Influence of pelvic floor disorders on sexuality in women
Authors: Miguel Martínez-Galiano Juan, Adriana Peinado-Molina Rocío, Martínez-Vazquez Sergio, Hita-Contreras Fidel, Delgado-Rodríguez Miguel, Hernández-Martínez Antonio
Venue: International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.15189
Falls and Sleep Disorders in Spanish Alzheimer’s Disease in Nursing Homes: An Observational Study
Authors: Cámara-Calmaestra Rubén, Martínez-Amat Antonio, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Hita-Contreras Fidel, De Miguel-Hernando Nerea, Rodríguez-Almagro Daniel, Fábrega-Cuadros Raquel, Achalandabaso-Ochoa Alexander
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11212852
Stress Management in Healthcare Organizations: The Nigerian Context
Authors: Ezinne Precious Nwobodo, Birute Strukcinskiene, Arturas Razbadauskas, Rasa Grigoliene, Cesar Agostinis-Sobrinho
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11212815
Behavioral, sociodemographic, and sleep correlates of symptoms of depression amongst older Brazilian females according to age: a cross-sectional network analysis
Authors: Bohn Lucimere, Pugliesi Abdalla Pedro, Chen Sitong, Sampaio Neto Elzier, Roberto Lopes Machado Dalmo, Mota Jorge, Martins Lucena Clarice
Venue: Current Aging Science
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.2174/1874609816666230119125104
The Impact of Rhythmic Physical Activity on Mental Health and Quality of Life in Older Adults with and without Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Sánchez-Alcalá Marcelina, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Fernando Afanador-Restrepo Diego, del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile María, Achalandabaso-Ochoa Alexander, Castellote-Caballero Yolanda, Hita-Contreras Fidel
Venue: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/jcm12227084
A Escola de Aprender: Contributos para a sua construção - Volume II
Authors: Regina Jorge Fátima, Fátima Paixão, Paulo daSilveira
Year: 2023  Type: Edited-book  DOI:
Can Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index and Maternal Exercise Affect Birth and Neonatal Outcomes—A Cross Sectional Study
Authors: Weronika Szablewska Anna, Wierzba Jolanta, Santos-Rocha Rita, Szumilewicz Anna
Venue: Nutrients
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/nu15234894
Older Adults Who Maintained a Regular Physical Exercise Routine before the Pandemic Show Better Immune Response to Vaccination for COVID-19
Authors: Rodrigues Silva Brenda, Monteiro Fernanda, Cezário Kizzy, Bussador do Amaral Jônatas, Paixão Vitória, Barbosa Almeida Ewin, CAF Santos, al et
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20031939
Self-Refereeing System in Ultimate during the Joint Junior Ultimate Championship in Three Different Divisions—A Different Way to Promote Fair-Play?
Authors: Pedro Amoroso José, Coelho Luís, Papp Henrietta, Costa Felipe, Christodoulides Efstathios, Cools Wouter, Erdosi Zoltán, Jr. James E. Moore, Eustáquio Furtado Guilherme
Venue: Youth
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/youth3010028
Development of Smart Clothing to Prevent Pressure Injuries in Bedridden Persons and/or with Severely Impaired Mobility: 4NoPressure Research Protocol
Authors: da Silva Rêgo Anderson, Eustáquio Furtado Guilherme, A. Bernardes Rafael, Santos-Costa Paulo, A. Dias Rosana, S. Alves Filipe, Ainla Alar, al et
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11101361
Portuguese Olympic and Paralympic athletes’ experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the postponement of the Tokyo-2020 Olympic Games
Authors: Miguel Inês, Sofia Rui, Dias Cláudia
Venue: International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2023.2238296
“Profiles of motor competence and its perception accuracy among children: Association with physical fitness and body fat”
Authors: G. Almeida, C. Luz, L.P. Rodrigues, V. Lopes, R. Cordovil
Venue: Psychology of Sport and Exercise
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2023.102458
Schimago Q1
Exploring Perceived Barriers to Physical Activity among Older Adults Living in Low-Population Density Regions: Gender Differences and Associations with Activity Dimensions
Authors: Rúa-Alonso María, Bovolini Antonio, Raquel Costa-Brito Ana, Vaz Cláudia, Marques Ermelinda, Serra Nuno, P. Lopes Vítor, Vila-Chã Carolina
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11222948
Acute effects of isotonic eccentric exercise on the neuromuscular function of knee extensors vary according to the motor task: impact on muscle strength profiles, proprioception and balance
Authors: Vila-Chã Carolina, Bovolini Antonio, Francisco Cristiana, R. Costa-Brito Ana, Vaz Cláudia, Rua-Alonso María, Antonio de Paz José, Vieira Taian, V. Mendonca Goncalo
Venue: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1273152
Accuracy and Interpretation of the Acceleration from an Inertial Measurement Unit When Applied to the Sprint Performance of Track and Field Athletes
Authors: Miranda-Oliveira Paulo, Branco Marco, Fernandes Orlando
Venue: Sensors
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/s23041761
The effects of low-volume combined training on health-related physical fitness outcomes in active young adults: A controlled clinical trial
Authors: Martins Ricardo, Loureiro Nuno
Venue: Sports Medicine and Health Science
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.smhs.2022.12.004
Association between motor competence, and the rating of perceived exertion in male young adults
Authors: Fábio Saraiva Flôres, Denise Soares, Virgínia Teixeira Hermann, Clandio Timm Marques, Nuno Casanova, Renata Willig, Joana Lourenço, al et
Venue: Journal of Men's Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.098
Schimago Q3
Factors Influencing Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare
Authors: A. Zanzeh Hawa, Pedro Ribeiro Luis, Magalhães Ribeiro Anabela, Almeida Helena
Venue: Advances in Medical Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7630-7.ch013
The Effect of Ice on Shoulder Proprioception in Badminton Athletes
Authors: Marouvo Joel, Tavares Nuno, Dias Gonçalo, Castro MA
Venue: European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ejihpe13030051
Web Of Science
Repeatability of Brain Activity as Measured by a 32-Channel EEG System during Resistance Exercise in Healthy Young Adults
Authors: Christophe Domingos, João Luís Marôco, Marco Miranda, Carlos Silva, Xavier Melo, Carla Borrego
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20031992
Remote and local ischemic preconditioning increases isometric strength and muscular endurance in recrea-tional trained individuals
Authors: Guilherme Da Silva Telles Luiz, Leitão Luís, Da Silva Araújo Gleisson, Serra Rhodes, Geórgea Spithourakis Junqueira Christian, Aparecida de Souza Ribeiro Aline, de Souza Ribeiro Michelle, al et
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v47.93385
Effect of Motor Competence and Health-Related Fitness in the Prevention of Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors
Authors: Pombo André, Cordovil Rita, Paulo Rodrigues Luis, Catarina Moreira Ana, Borrego Rute, Machado Margarida, Costa Vânia, al et
Venue: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2022.2158998
Schimago Q1
The Spanish Version of the International Index of Erectile Function: Adaptation and Validation
Authors: Díaz-Mohedo Esther, Meldaña Sánchez Antonio, Cabello Santamaría Francisco, Molina García Elena, Hernández Hernández Sofía, Hita-Contreras Fidel
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20031830
Effectiveness of Telemedicine for Reducing Cardiovascular Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Jaén-Extremera Jesús, Fernando Afanador-Restrepo Diego, Rivas-Campo Yulieth, Gómez-Rodas Alejandro, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Hita-Contreras Fidel, del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile María, Castellote-Caballero Yolanda, Ortiz-Quesada Raúl
Venue: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/jcm12030841
Physical complaints and participation habits in female artistic roller skaters
Authors: Carolina Cabo, Paulo Brites de Sousa João, Jorge Duarte dos Santos Bravo
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v48.96010
Visual Patterns of U16 Athletes and Professional Basketball Players
Authors: Marques Rui, Dias Gonçalo, Martins Fernando, Gomes Ricardo, Mendes Rodrigo, Martinho Diogo, J. Coelho e Silva Manuel, Mendes Rui
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app13063783
Effects of Different Basketball Shooting Positions and Distances on Gaze Behavior and Shooting Accuracy
Authors: M. Amaro Catarina, M. Amaro Ana, B. Gomes Beatriz, António Castro Maria, Mendes Rui
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app13052911
Web Of Science
How weekly monitoring variables influence players’ and teams’ match performance in elite futsal players
Venue: Biology of Sport
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/biolsport.2023.112091
Associations between Coronavirus and Immune Response, Cardiorespiratory Fitness Rehabilitation and Physical Activity: A Brief Report
Authors: Sandra Silva-Santos, António M. Monteiro, Tiago M. Barbosa, José E. Teixeira, Luís Branquinho, Ricardo Ferraz, Pedro Forte
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20054651
Interrelationship between muscle fitness in childhood and bone mineral density in adulthood: mediation analysis of muscle fitness in adulthood
Authors: Correa Lopes Barbosa Cynthia, Cesar da Costa Julio, Leila Possamai Romanzini Catiana, Biagi Batista Mariana, Blasquez-Shigaki Gabriela, Araújo Fernandes Rômulo, V. Martinho Diogo, al et
Venue: BMC Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s12889-023-15545-7
Irisin: An anti-inflammatory exerkine in aging and redox-mediated comorbidities.
Authors: CDS Trettel, BRA Pelozin, MP Barros, ALL Bachi, PGS Braga, CM Momesso, GE Furtado, al et
Venue: Frontiers in endocrinology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2023.1106529
Global Perspectives on Health Assessments for an Aging Population
Authors: L. Ribeiro
Venue: Advances in Medical Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care
Year: 2023  Type: Edited-book  DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7630-7
Physical Activity Programs for Older People
Authors: Gonçalo Dias, Rui Sousa Mendes, Rodrigo Mendes, Cristiana Lameira, Luis Pedro Ribeiro
Venue: Advances in Medical Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7630-7.ch006
Bitter taste signaling in cancer
Authors: R. Costa Ana, C. Duarte Ana, R. Costa-Brito Ana, Gonçalves Isabel, R.A. Santos Cecília
Venue: Life Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.lfs.2022.121363
Effects of Mind-Body Training as a Mental Health Therapy in Adults with Diabetes Mellitus Type II: A Systematic Review
Authors: Ruiz-Ariza Beatriz, Hita-Contreras Fidel, Rodríguez-López Carlos, Rivas-Campo Yulieth, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile María, Castellote-Caballero Yolanda, Fernando Afanador-Restrepo Diego
Venue: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/jcm12030853
Enhancing Cognition in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment through High-Intensity Functional Training: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors: Rivas-Campo Yulieth, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Rodríguez-López Carlos, Fernando Afanador-Restrepo Diego, Alexandra García-Garro Patricia, Castellote-Caballero Yolanda, Achalandabaso-Ochoa Alexander, Hita-Contreras Fidel
Venue: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/jcm12124049
Functional Exercise Versus Specific Pelvic Floor Exercise: Observational Pilot Study in Female University Students
Authors: Díaz-Mohedo Esther, Odriozola Aguirre Itxaso, Molina García Elena, Angel Infantes-Rosales Miguel, Hita-Contreras Fidel
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11040561
Handball Offensive Analysis: Comparative Evolution of Linear Tendency Lines between Finalist Teams in the EHF CL
Authors: Vaz Vasco, Ferrari Willian, Sarmento Hugo, Couceiro Micael, Sousa Tiago, Dias Gonçalo
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app13031366
Web Of Science
Does an Association among Sarcopenia and Metabolic Risk Factors Exist in People Older Than 65 Years? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies
Authors: del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile María, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Fernando Afanador-Restrepo Diego, Rivas-Campo Yulieth, Rodríguez-López Carlos, del Mar Carcelén-Fraile María, Castellote-Caballero Yolanda, Hita-Contreras Fidel
Venue: Life
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/life13030648
Histological characterization of the human scapholunate ligament
Authors: Chato-Astrain Jesús, Roda Olga, Carriel Víctor, Hita-Contreras Fidel, Sánchez-Montesinos Indalecio, Alaminos Miguel, Hernández-Cortés Pedro
Venue: Microscopy Research and Technique
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1002/jemt.24428
Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises as a Treatment for Urinary Incontinence in Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Authors: Paz López-Pérez María, Fernando Afanador-Restrepo Diego, Rivas-Campo Yulieth, Hita-Contreras Fidel, del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile María, Castellote-Caballero Yolanda, Rodríguez-López Carlos, Aibar-Almazán Agustín
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11020216
Epidemiological study of neurodegenerative diseases in the Guarda Region - Portugal
Authors: Ermelinda Maria Bernardo Gonçalves Marques, Manuel do Nascimento Silva Paulino, Teresa Maria Dias de Paiva, Agostinha Esteves de Melo Corte, Maria Cristina Pereira Morgado Fonseca
Venue: Global Academic Nursing Journal
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5935/2675-5602.20200338
Relationship between external and internal load indicators and injury using machine learning in professional soccer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Authors: Pillitteri Guglielmo, Petrigna Luca, Ficarra Salvatore, Giustino Valerio, Thomas Ewan, Rossi Alessio, Manuel Clemente Filipe, al et
Venue: Research in Sports Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/15438627.2023.2297190
Schimago Q1
Analysis of motor competence and physical fitness in dancers: a pilot study
Authors: Alves Daniela, Clemente Filipe, Gonçalves Carla, Lagoa Maria, Filipa Silva Ana
Venue: Human Movement
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/hm.2023.126153
Schimago Q2
Effects of 10-Week Online Moderate- to High-Intensity Interval Training on Body Composition, and Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance during the COVID-19 Lockdown
Authors: Rodríguez-García Lorena, ibrahim ceylan halil, Miguel da Silva Rui, Filipa Silva Ana, Guadalupe-Grau Amelia, LIÑÁN ANTONIO
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare12010037
Schimago Q2
Impact of Coastal Walking Outdoors and Virtual Reality Indoor Walking on Heart Rate, Enjoyment Levels and Mindfulness Experiences in Healthy Adults
Authors: Greco Gianpiero, Centrone Claudio, Poli Luca, Filipa Silva Ana, Russo Luca, Cataldi Stefania, Giustino Valerio, Francesco Fischetti
Venue: Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/jfmk9010011
Schimago Q1
Testing the peak running speed in analytical and contextual-based scenarios: Applied research in young adult soccer players
Authors: Manuel Clemente Filipe, Akyildiz Zeki, Garrett Joel, Beato Marco, Yildiz Mehmet, Birlik Sabri, Moran Jason
Venue: Journal of Sports Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2023.2273085
Schimago Q1
Un enfoque para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los deportes de equipo en el grado de ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte
Authors: Tomás González-Fernández Francisco, González-Víllora Sixto, Hortigüela-Alcalá David, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Castillo Rodríguez Alfonso
Venue: Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.24310/riccafd.2023.v12i2.17363
Analysis of goal-scoring in an elite European women’s football teams
Authors: Mesquita Pedro, Silva Bruno, Rodrigues Mauro, Maurício Nuno, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Camões Miguel, Lima Ricardo
Venue: Sustainability and Sports Science Journal
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.61486/uuga2681
Revisiting the hamstring injury prevention and rehabilitation literature: filling the gaps!
Authors: Afonso José, Reurink Guus, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Ramirez-Campillo Rodrigo, Pizzari Tania, Andrade Renato
Venue: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-106878
Schimago Q1
Plyometric training programs in handball
Authors: Rocha Henrique José, Ramirez-Campillo Rodrigo, Afonso José, Silva Rui, Moran Jason, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: Kinesiology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.26582/k.55.2.13
Schimago Q2
Effects of recreational small-sided games from different team sports on the improvement of aerobic fitness in youth sedentary populations: A systematic review
Authors: Li Tingyu, Xu Qi, Wang Shuang, Qi Kai, Su Peng, Miguel Silva Rui, Sarmento Hugo, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: Heliyon
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e22041
Schimago Q1
Effects of 16-weeks of strength training on jump height and anthropometric variables in U19 semi-professional male soccer players
Authors: Tomás González-Fernández Francisco, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Rodríguez-García Lorena, Castillo-Rodriguez Alfonso
Venue: International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17479541231210093
Schimago Q1
Concurrent-Validity and Reliability of Photocells in Sport: A Systematic Review
Authors: Multhuaptff Weilhelmn, Moreno-Villanueva Adrián, Soler-López Alejandro, Fernández-Peña Eneko, Rico-González Markel, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Bravo-Cucci Sergio, Pino-Ortega José
Venue: Journal of Human Kinetics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/jhk/174285
Schimago Q1
Differences and relationship in functional movement screen (FMS™) scores and physical fitness in males and female semi-professional soccer players
Authors: Martín-Moya Ricardo, Rodríguez-García Lorena, Moreno-Vecino Beatriz, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Liñán González Antonio, Tomás González-Fernández Francisco
Venue: PeerJ
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.7717/peerj.16649
Schimago Q1
Sequence and efficacy of game complexes in high-level women’s volleyball: A novel perspective through Social Network Analysis
Authors: Laporta Lorenzo, De Conti Teixeira Costa Gustavo, Gasparini Fernandes Leonardo, Augusto Pastori Iago, Cézar Rodrigues Rocha Augusto, Hileno Raúl, Franco Lima Ricardo, de Oliveira Castro Henrique, Afonso José
Venue: International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17479541221087688
Effects of combined plyometric, strength and running technique training program on change-of-direction and countermovement jump: a two-armed parallel study design on young soccer players
Authors: Martín-Moya Ricardo, Filipa Silva Ana, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Tomás González-Fernández Francisco
Venue: Gait & Posture
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2023.06.025
Schimago Q1
Governance in sports organizations: a gender approach
Authors: Antonino Pereira, F. Mendes, Abel Figueiredo
Venue: European handbook for gender equality, equity, inclusion in sport: a perspective through the erasmus + women-up project
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.14679/2216
Assessment of spatiotemporal characteristics of gait, trough the Phyphox® app: a case series
Authors: Carolina A. Cabo, Orlando Fernandes, Sara Santos, Jose A. Parraca
Venue: Journal of Medical Case Reports
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s13256-023-04296-z
Impact of Exercise Interventions on Sustained Brain Health Outcomes in Frail Older Individuals: A Comprehensive Review of Systematic Reviews
Authors: Eustáquio Furtado Guilherme, Sulivan Lopes da Silva Reis Anne, Braga-Pereira Ricardo, Caldo Silva Adriana, Teques Pedro, Rodrigues Sampaio António, CAF Santos, al et
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11243160
Instrumental Orchestration in the Primary School and the Use of Digital Resources to Link STEM and Art: Systematic Literature Review
Authors: Laura Costa Sofia, Costa Cecília, Martins Fernando, Bernardino Lopes J.
Venue: Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-22918-3_15
Web Of Science
Bilateral Asymmetry and the Relationship Between Unilateral Isokinetic Strength and Balance Performance in Male Adolescent Football Players
Authors: Cintia Franca, Francisco Martins, Diogo V. Martinho, Andreas Ihle, Adilson Marques, Hugo Sarmento, Filipe Manuel Clemente, al et
Venue: Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.230905
Schimago Q3
Validity of a wearable device for measuring vertical displacement and jump count in young artistic roller skating athletes
Authors: Rebelo André, Santos Teixeira Diogo, Valente-dos-Santos João, Franco Lima Ricardo
Venue: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17543371231188400
Plyometric-Jump Training Effects on Physical Fitness and Sport-Specific Performance According to Maturity: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis
Authors: Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Andrew Sortwell, Jason Moran, José Afonso, Filipe Manuel Clemente, Rhodri S. Lloyd, Jon L. Oliver, Jason Pedley, Urs Granacher
Venue: Sports Medicine - Open
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s40798-023-00568-6
Schimago Q1
Analysing the Effects of Different Types of Exercise on Dyspnoea and Fatigue in Adults through COPD-Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials
Authors: Couto Nuno, Cid Luis, Alves Susana, Paulo Brito João, Pimenta Nuno, T. Bento
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11101449
The Mediating Role of e-Lifestyles to Use the Fitness Center App
Authors: Ferreira-Barbosa Helena, García-Fernández Jerónimo, Cepeda-Carrión Gabriel
Venue: International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2204273
Health behaviours and depressive symptoms in higher education Portuguese students
Authors: Bebiana Sabino, Vânia Loureiro, Sara Pereira, Helena Ferreira-Barbosa
Venue: Advances in Rehabilitation
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/areh.2023.133104
New evidence-based practice: Artificial intelligence as a barrier breaker
Authors: Maia Ferreira Ricardo
Venue: World Journal of Methodology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5662/wjm.v13.i5.384
The COVID-19 pandemic impact on the Portuguese Physical Education classes
Authors: Cabral Mendes Pedro, Fachada Miguel, Melo Ricardo, Campos Francisco, Nobre Paulo, M. Machado-Rodrigues Aristides
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v49.98282
Feasibility of a Supervised Postpartum Exercise Program and Effects on Maternal Health and Fitness Parameters—Pilot Study
Authors: Brites-Lagos Carla, Ramos Liliana, Szumilewicz Anna, Santos-Rocha Rita
Year: 2023  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202309.0473.v1
Correlations between linear sprint with the ball, linear sprint without the ball, and change-of-direction without the ball in professional female soccer players
Authors: Avelino Birk Preissler Artur, Schons Pedro, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Droescher de Vargas Guilherme, Moraes Klein Lucas, Filipa Silva Ana, Nobari Hadi, Fernando Martins Kruel Luiz
Venue: Scientific Reports
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-27255-y
Schimago Q1
Asociación de la fuerza muscular con atención, comportamiento hiperactivo-desatento, cálculo matemáti-co y razonamiento lingüístico en escolares diagnosticados TDAH (Association of muscle strength with attention, hyperactive-attentive behavior, mathematic
Authors: Suárez Manzano Sara, Rusillo Magdaleno Alba, Luis Solas Martínez Jose, Vânia Azevedo Ferreira Brandão Loureiro
Venue: Retos
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v47.95093
Understanding the importance of drag coefficient assessment for a deeper insight into the hydrodynamic profile of swimmers
Authors: JE Morais, Marinho Daniel, Bartolomeu Raúl, Barbosa Tiago
Venue: Journal of Human Kinetics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/jhk/172492
Nonlinear Analysis of the Hand and Foot Force-Time Profilesin the Four Competitive Swimming Strokes
Authors: Raúl F. Bartolomeu, Pedro Rodrigues, Kamil Sokolowski, Marek Strzala, Catarina Santos, Mário J. Costa, Tiago M. Barbosa
Venue: Journal of Human Kinetics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/jhk/172616
Relationship between cognitive functioning and physical fitness in regard to age and sex
Authors: Tomás González-Fernández Francisco, Delgado-García Gabriel, Siquier Coll Jesús, Filipa Silva Ana, Nobari Hadi, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: BMC Pediatrics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s12887-023-04028-8
Schimago Q2
Locomotor demands of 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test, Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test, and VAMEVAL test and comparisons with regular locomotor demands in training sessions and matches: a study conducted in youth male soccer players
Authors: Filipe Clemente, Rafael Oliveira, Zeki Akyildiz, Mehmet Yildiz, Isa Sagiroglu, Ana Filipa Silva
Venue: Human Movement
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/hm.2023.114308
Schimago Q2
Acute effect of moderate and high-intensity interval exercises on asprosin and BDNF levels in inactive normal weight and obese individuals
Authors: Ibrahim Ceylan Halil, Ertugrul Öztürk Mehmet, Öztürk Deniz, Filipa Silva Ana, Albayrak Mevlüt, Saygin Özcan, Eken Özgür, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Nobari Hadi
Venue: Scientific Reports
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-34278-6
Schimago Q1
An Explanatory Model of Violent Behavior, Self-Concept, and Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Consumption in Secondary Education Students
Authors: Melguizo-Ibáñez Eduardo, González Valero Gabriel, Badicu Georgian, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Filipa Silva Ana, Puertas Molero Pilar
Venue: BioMed Research International
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1155/2023/1971858
Schimago Q2
The impact of fitness instructor quality on customer satisfaction in fitness centres
Authors: João Barbosa, Helena Ferreira Barbosa, Pedro Bento, Nuno Loureiro, Vânia Loureiro
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.7203/puv-oa-590-0
Effects of horizontal compared to vertical-based plyometric jump training on semi-professional soccer player's performance
Authors: Nobari Hadi, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Vali Norodin, Filipa Silva Ana, van den Hoek Daniel, Ramirez-Campillo Rodrigo
Venue: Scientific Reports
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-37213-x
Schimago Q1
Integrating field-based tests into weekly soccer training sessions: a comparison of physiological demands of three progressive multistage fitness tests and regular training demands
Authors: Filipe Clemente, Rafael Oliveira, Adam Kawczynski, Ana Filipa Silva, Zeki Akyildiz, Mehmet Yildiz, Isa Sagiroglu
Venue: Human Movement
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/hm.2023.114751
Schimago Q2
Relative age effects on speed trials in Brazilian athletics
Authors: Barboza-Neto Rui, Nobari Hadi, J. Aidar Felipe, Francisco Almeida-Neto Paulo, Filipa Silva Ana, Maciel Vítor Medeiros Radamés, Manuel Clemente Filipe, al et
Venue: BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s13102-023-00629-z
Schimago Q2
Testing variations of methodological characteristics on the 5-0-5 test: impact of the linear sprint on change-of-direction deficit of adult male soccer players
Authors: Clemente Filipe, Garrett Joel, González-Fernández Francisco, Filipa Silva Ana, Nobari Hadi
Venue: Human Movement
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/hm.2023.126154
Schimago Q2
24-h movement guidelines and overweight and obesity indicators in toddlers, children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Authors: Adilson Marques, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Elvio Gouveia, Gérson Ferrari, Riki Tesler, Priscila Marconcin, Vânia Loureiro, Miguel Peralta, Hugo Sarmento
Venue: Sports Medicine - Open
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s40798-023-00569-5
Web Of Science
Training Load, Neuromuscular Fatigue, and Well-Being of Elite Male Volleyball Athletes During an In-Season Mesocycle
Authors: Rebelo André, R. Pereira João, V. Martinho Diogo, Amorim Gerson, Lima Ricardo, Valente-dos Santos João
Venue: International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.2022-0279
Variability of peak speed and sprinting actions during the same small-sided games: within- and between-player variations inspected over four consecutive weeks
Authors: Makar Piotr, Silva Ana, Kawczynski Adam, Akyildiz Zeki, Yildiz Mehmet, Praça Gibson, Clemente Filipe
Venue: Biology of Sport
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/biolsport.2023.124846
Schimago Q1
The associations between training and match demands of male professional football players over a season
Venue: Journal of Men's Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.037
Schimago Q3
Influence of Maximal Strength on Bench Press and Trunk Rotation in Adapted Shot-put: A Pilot Investigation
Authors: DP Soares, Lourenço Joana, Filipa Silva Ana, Fábio Saraiva Flôres
Venue: Exercise Science
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.15857/ksep.2022.00584
Schimago Q4
Assessing the agreement between a global navigation satellite system and an optical-tracking system for measuring total, high-speed running, and sprint distances in official soccer matches
Authors: Piotr Makar, Ana Filipa Silva, Rafael Oliveira, Marcin Janusiak, Przemyslaw Parus, Malgorzata Smoter, Filipe Manuel Clemente
Venue: Science Progress
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/00368504231187501
Schimago Q1
Burnout em trabalhadores de uma ERPI durante a pandemia Covid-19
Authors: Maria Ribeiro Fernandes Isabel, Esteves de Melo Corte Agostinha, João de Almeida Nunes Maria, Cunha Figueira Antunes. Liliana, Fonseca Sara, Catarina Gomes Ana, Maria Gonçalves Bernardo Marques Ermelinda
Venue: RIAGE - Revista Ibero-Americana de Gerontologia
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.61415/riage.84
Research Trends in the Effect of Caffeine Intake on Fat Oxidation: A Bibliometric and Visual Analysis
Authors: Gutiérrez-Hellín Jorge, Del Coso Juan, Espada Mario, V. Hernández-Beltrán, C. Ferreira Cátia, Varillas-Delgado David, Mendoza Laiz Nuria, Roberts Justin, M. GAMONALES JOSÉ
Venue: Nutrients
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/nu15204320
Follow-Up of Eight-Weeks Detraining Period after Exercise Program on Health Profiles of Older Women
Authors: Luís Leitão, Yuri Campos, Ana Cristina Corrêa Figueira, Teresa Figueiredo, Ana Pereira
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11233021
Influence of multicomponent exercise program or self-selected physical activity on physical, mental, and biochemical health indicators of older women
Authors: Gonçalves Almeida da Encarnação Samuel, Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) Department of Physical Education, Lemos Fazolo Sthefany, Soares Tomaz Pereira Felipe, Pereira da Silva Araújo Daniele, Neves de Miranda Cíntia, Woyames Ferreira de Castro Pinto Beatriz, al et
Venue: Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.230303
Web Of Science
Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risks Factors in Cape Verde ( – Santiago Island
Authors: Coelho Patricia, Mascarenhas Kelly, Rodrigues Julio, José Barbas Rodrigues Francisco
Year: 2023  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202312.0527.v1
Web Of Science
The Influence of Pericardial Fat on Left Ventricular Diastolic Function
Authors: Duarte Hugo, Alcafache Carlos, Coelho Patricia, Rodrigues Francisco
Year: 2023  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202312.0458.v1
Web Of Science
Analysis of goal-scoring in an elite European women’s football teams
Authors: M Camões
Venue: Sustainability and Sports Science Journal
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.61486/uuga2681
Validity and reliability of Polar M400 GPS watches for measuring distances covered by team sports players
Authors: Makar Piotr, Kawczynski Adam, Miguel Silva Rui, Yildiz Mehmet, Filipa Silva Ana, Akyildiz Zeki
Venue: Heliyon
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e20920
Schimago Q1
The Use of New Devices Technologies to Analyse the Risk of Falls Associated with Gait Patterns in Older People: A Protocol for a Scoping Review
Authors: E. Furtado Guilherme, Caldo-Silva Adriana, Direito Fábio, Tiago Esteves Pedro, Costa-Brito Sónia, Moura Carla, M. Teixeira Ana, Abreu Cidalina, N. Rodrigues Rafael
Venue: Lecture Notes in Bioengineering
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-47790-4_47
Co-Creation of The Tourism Experience at International Sport Tourism Events
Authors: Margarida Mascarenhas, Joana Alves, Elsa Pereira, Rute Martins
Venue: Event Management
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3727/152599523x16957834460303
Editorial: Towards a psychophysiological approach in physical activity, exercise, and sports
Authors: Pedro Forte, Jose E. Teixeira, Daniel Leite Portella, Diogo Monteiro
Venue: Frontiers in Psychology
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1191670
Web Of Science
Accelerometer-measured physical activity in Portuguese children from a rural area: a school-based cross-sectional study
Authors: Catarina Vasques, Tatiana Sampaio, José Eduardo Teixeira, Samuel Ginja, Pedro Magalhães
Venue: INTED Proceedings
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-abstract  DOI: 10.21125/inted.2023.2029
Effects of Acute Sleep Deprivation on the Sequential Rate of Torque Development throughout the Force-Time Curve
Authors: A.D. Gonçalves, P. Pezarat-Correia, C. Vila-Chã, G.V. Mendonça, André Dias Gonçalves, Pedro Pezarat-Correia, Carolina Vila-Chã, Gonçalo Vilhena Mendonça
Venue: Sleep Science
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1776869
Unravelling the Link Between Gait Speed, Hormonal Markers, and Cognitive Abilities in Frail Older Women
Authors: Direito Fábio, N. Rodrigues Rafael, Caldo-Silva Adriana, Martins Fáber, Brito-Costa Sónia, M. Teixeira Ana, Pedro Ferreira José, E. Furtado Guilherme
Venue: Lecture Notes in Bioengineering
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-47790-4_49
Analysis of the shots in Football for blind people in the 2021 World Grand Prix
Authors: M. Gamonales José, Hernández-Beltrán Victor, León Kiko, Espada Mario, Sanabria-Jiménez Manuel, Alemán-Ramírez Carolina, Felipe Castelli Correia de Campos Luis, Muñoz-Jiménez Jesús
Venue: Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.12800/CCD.V18I58.2039
Web Of Science
Teaching models in physical education: current and future perspectives
Authors: Ricardo Ferraz, Luis Branquinho, Andrew Sortwell, Jose E. Teixeira, Pedro Forte, Daniel A. Marinho
Venue: Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.230307
Web Of Science
Empowering frail older adults: multicomponent elastic-band exercises and BCAA supplementation unleash physical health and preserve haematological biomarkers.
Authors: A Caldo-Silva, GE Furtado, MU Chupel, RV Letieri, RS Neves, F Direto, MP Barros, al et
Venue: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1171220
Interoperability between health information systems
Authors: J. Fernandes, C. Jerónimo, L. Pereira, Á. Dias, R. Lopes da Costa, R. Gonçalves
Venue: Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-32436-9_9
Acute Effect of Myofascial Release on Muscle Activation of Snatch Movement
Authors: Mourão Thamyres, da Silva Pacheco Neto Prodamy, Mendes Rui, Vences-Brito A., António Castro Maria
Venue: Lecture Notes in Bioengineering
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-47790-4_23
Effect of Basketball Shooting Distance on Muscle Recruitment of the Shooting Arm
Authors: M. Amaro C., A. Castro M., Mendes R., B. Gomes B.
Venue: Lecture Notes in Bioengineering
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-47790-4_60
Evaluation of the Ground Reaction Force in Basketball Shooting, with and Without Opposition
Authors: M. Amaro C., Mendes R., B. Gomes B., A. Castro M.
Venue: Lecture Notes in Bioengineering
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-47790-4_62
State of the art of business models: A bibliometric analysis
Authors: R. Carmo, C. H. Jerónimo, L. Pereira, Á. Dias, V. Patrício
Venue: Sustainability
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/su15054482
Monitoramento da carga interna de treino em diferentes métodos de treinamento tático-técnico de atletas de voleibol de praia
Authors: de Brito Grisi Raianne, de Oliveira Castro Henrique, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Franco Lima Ricardo, De Conti Teixeira Costa Gustavo, Ricarte Batista Gilmário
Venue: Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.11606/issn.1981-4690.2023e37183069
Business model reinvention: Impacts of Covid-19 in the hospitality business
Authors: O. Adam, C. Jerónimo, L. Pereira, R. Gonçalves, Á. Dias, R. Lopes da Costa
Venue: Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-32436-9_7
Physical predictors for retention and dismissal of professional soccer head coaches: an analysis of locomotor variables using logistic regression pipeline
Authors: Honorato Sousa, Rabiu Muazu Musa, Filipe Manuel Clemente, Hugo Sarmento, Elvio R. Gouveia
Venue: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1301845
Schimago Q1
Prevention Strategies of Lower Limb Muscle Injuries
Authors: José Afonso, Hélder Fonseca, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Jesús Olivares-Jabalera, Sílvia Rocha-Rodrigues
Venue: Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65430-6_209-1
Towards a psychophysiological approach in physical activity, exercise, and sports.
Authors: Pedro Forte, Daniel Leite Portella, Diogo Monteiro, José Eduardo Teixeira
Venue: Frontiers Research Topics
Year: 2023  Type: Book  DOI: 10.3389/978-2-8325-2400-8
Effects of combined aerobic exercise and diet on cardiometabolic health in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Authors: Sameer Badri Al-Mhanna, Sílvia Rocha-Rodriguesc, Mahaneem Mohamed, Alexios Batrakoulis, Monira I. Aldhahi, Hafeez Abiola Afolabi, Fatma Hilal Yagin, al et
Venue: BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s13102-023-00766-5
Intrinsic Motivation: Knowledge, Achievement, and Experimentation in Sports Science Students—Relations with Emotional Intelligence
Authors: Mercader-Rubio Isabel, Gutiérrez Ángel Nieves, Silva Sofia, Furtado Guilherme, Brito-Costa Sónia
Venue: Behavioral Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/bs13070589
Corrida de obstáculos e a competência motora
Authors: Carlos Silvério, Cristiana Mercê, Telmo Teotónio
Venue: Journal of Sport Pedagogy & Research
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-abstract  DOI: 10.47863/omqt5950
Contributions of one hypothetical model of predictive relationships between psychological skills and emotional intelligence in university student-athletes: A cross-sectional study
Authors: I. Mercader-Rubio, N. Gutiérrez Ángel, S. Brito-Costa, S. Silva, A. Moisão, G. Furtado
Venue: Heliyon
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19916
Mental State and Motivation to Physical Exercise in University Students during COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland
Authors: Muracki Jaroslaw, Zadarko-Domaradzka Maria, Zadarko Emilian, Smoter Malgorzata, Filipa Silva Ana, Kruszynska Ewa
Venue: Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.18276/cej.2023.4-04
Schimago Q4
A Deep Learning Neural Network to Classify Obesity Risk in Portuguese Adolescents Based on Physical Fitness Levels and Body Mass Index Percentiles: Insights for National Health Policies
Authors: Forte Pedro, Encarnação Samuel, Miguel Monteiro António, Eduardo Teixeira José, Hattabi Soukaina, Sortwell Andrew, Branquinho Luís, al et
Venue: Behavioral Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/bs13070522
Web Of Science
Reply to: Comment on: “The Benefits of Resistance Training in Obese Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis”
Authors: Bruno Ribeiro, Pedro Forte, Raquel Vinhas, Daniel A. Marinho, Luís B. Faíl, Ana Pereira, Fernando Vieira, Henrique P. Neiva
Venue: Sports Medicine - Open
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s40798-022-00547-3
Authors: Luisa Gamez-Calvo, Victor Hernandez-Beltran, Elena Bautista-Peraza, Mario C. Espada, Luis Felipe Castelli Correia de Campos, Jose M. Gamonales
Venue: Pensar en Movimiento: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.15517/pensarmov.v21i2.55048
Web Of Science
Effects of Moderate Exercise Training on Cancer-Induced Muscle Wasting
Authors: Ana Cristina Corrêa Figueira, Ana Pereira, Luís Leitão, Rita Ferreira, Paula A. Oliveira, José Alberto Duarte
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11192652
Early repolarization in the athlete: just a benign finding?
Authors: João Pedro Sousa, Bruno Valentim, Amaro Teixeira, Patrícia Coelho, Joana Pires, Francisco Rodrigues
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.56238/seveniiimulti2023-245
May The Exercise Type Influence The Blood Pressure Improvements’, In Older Adults?
Authors: Bezerra Pedro, Silva Bruno, Filipa Silva Ana, Lopez Rodriguez Adriana, Cancela Carral J.M:
Venue: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000987008.67094.d1
Schimago Q1
Evolution of Documents Related to Biomechanics Research in Gymnastics
Authors: V. Hernández-Beltrán, Espada Mario, Muñoz Jiménez Jesús, León Guzmán Kiko, C. Ferreira Cátia, Parraça José, M. GAMONALES JOSÉ
Venue: Biomechanics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/biomechanics3040039
Degree of association between the body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR), waist-height ratio (WHtR), body adiposity index (BAI) and conicity index (CI) in physically active older adults
Authors: JM Cancela, Bezerra Pedro, López Rodriguez Adriana, Silva Bruno
Venue: Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2023.10.007
Schimago Q2
In non-specific low back pain, is an exercise program carried out through telerehabilitation as effective as one carried out in a physiotherapy center? A controlled randomized trial
Authors: Jesús Villatoro-Luque Francisco, Rodríguez-Almagro Daniel, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Fernández-Carnero Samuel, Pecos-Martín Daniel, Javier Ibáñez-Vera Alfonso, Achalandabaso-Ochoa Alexander
Venue: Musculoskeletal Science and Practice
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.msksp.2023.102765
Tactical Knowledge by Decision Making and Motor Efficiency of Young Football Players in Different Playing Positions during a Three-a-Side Small-Sided Game
Authors: Matos Rui, Moreira Carlos, Alves Emília, Eduardo Teixeira José, Rodrigues Filipe, Monteiro Diogo, Antunes Raul, Forte Pedro
Venue: Behavioral Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/bs13040310
Web Of Science
Associations between the impact of menopausal symptoms and fall-related self-efficacy
Authors: Joao Espirito Santo, Fidel Hita-Contreras, Nuno Eduardo Marques de Loureiro, Vania Brandao Loureiro, Agustin Aibar-Almazan, Maria del Carmen Carcelen-Fraile, Raul Ortiz-Quesada
Venue: Menopause
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1097/gme.0000000000002151
Web Of Science
Daily Distribution Of Macronutrients In Portuguese Youth Soccer Players
Authors: A. Faria, D.V. Martinho, J. Lemos, C. Leão, R.J. Naughton
Venue: Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2022.09.158
Schimago Q2
Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Adults from Penafiel, Portugal: A Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Batista Amanda, Forte Pedro, Ribeiro Joana, Silva-Santos Sandra, Silva Neto Elmiro, Rodrigues Filipe, Eduardo Teixeira José, Ferraz Ricardo, Branquinho Luís
Venue: Behavioral Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/bs13060443
Web Of Science
Academic performance in higher education students during the pandemic
Authors: Rúben Ribeiro, Carolina Sobral, Patrícia Coelho, Joana Pires
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.56238/seveniiimulti2023-208
Antibiotic consumption in Portugal - An overview
Authors: Francisco Rodrigues, Raquel Teixeira, Patricia Coelho
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.56238/seveniiimulti2023-225
Impact of fungi on public health – A review
Authors: Francisco Rodrigues, Sara Cegonho, Patricia Coelho
Year: 2023  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.56238/seveniiimulti2023-230
Association Between The Body Mass Index, Waist-to-hip Ratio And Waist-to-height Ratio, In Active Older Adults.
Authors: M. Cancela-Carral Jose, Silva Bruno, Filipa Silva Ana, Lopez-Rodriguez Adriana, Bezerra Pedro
Venue: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000984092.47877.f2
Schimago Q1
Analysis of anthropometric and physical performance variables in U-17 soccer players
Authors: Honório Samuel, Batista Marco, Serrano João, Petrica João, Rebelo Miguel, Vieira Fernando, Lopes André, Santos Jorge
Venue: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1284411
The Reliability of the Timed Up and Go Test among Portuguese Elderly
Authors: Rodrigues Filipe, E. Teixeira José, Forte Pedro
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11070928
Web Of Science
Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes, Impaired Fasting Glucose, and Diabetes Risk in an Adult and Older North-Eastern Portuguese Population
Authors: M. Magalhães Pedro, E. Teixeira José, P. Bragada João, M. Duarte Carlos, A. Bragada José
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11121712
Web Of Science
Exercise Biomechanics for Health: Evaluating Lifelong Activities for Well-Being
Authors: Forte Pedro, E. Teixeira José
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11060900
Web Of Science
The Effects of 6-Month Multi-Component Exercise Intervention on Body Composition in Aged Women: A Single-Arm Experimental with Follow-Up Study
Authors: Rodrigues Filipe, Eduardo Teixeira José, Miguel Monteiro António, Forte Pedro
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app13106163
Web Of Science
The Effectiveness of Pilates Training Interventions on Older Adults’ Balance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Authors: Sampaio Tatiana, Encarnação Samuel, Santos Olga, Narciso Diogo, P. Oliveira João, E. Teixeira José, Forte Pedro, al et
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11233083
Web Of Science
Concentric Isokinetic Strengthening Program’s Impact on Knee Biomechanical Parameters, Physical Performance and Quality of Life in Overweight/Obese Women with Chronic Meniscal Lesions
Authors: Hammami Nadhir, Mechraoui Amani, Hattabi Soukaina, Forte Pedro, Sampaio Tatiana, Sortwell Andrew, E. Teixeira José, al et
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11142079
Web Of Science
Clustering U-14 Portuguese regional team football players by lower limb strength, power, dynamic balance, speed and change of direction: understanding the field position factor
Authors: Sampaio Tatiana, Marinho Daniel, Eduardo Teixeira José, Oliveira João, Morais Jorge
Venue: PeerJ
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15609
Web Of Science
Perspectives on Player Performance during FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022: A Brief Report
Authors: Branquinho Luís, Forte Pedro, V. Thomatieli-Santos Ronaldo, de França Elias, A. Marinho Daniel, E. Teixeira José, Ferraz Ricardo
Venue: Sports
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/sports11090174
Resultant equations for training load monitoring during a standard microcycle in sub-elite youth football: a principal components approach
Authors: Eduardo Teixeira José, Forte Pedro, Ferraz Ricardo, Branquinho Luís, Morgans Ryland, José Silva António, Miguel Monteiro António, M. Barbosa Tiago
Venue: PeerJ
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15806
Web Of Science
Effects of 10-Week Online High-Intensity Interval Training on Body Composition and Aerobic Performance during the COVID-19 Lockdown
Authors: Rodríguez-García Lorena, Ibrahim Ceylan Halil, Miguel Silva Rui, Filipa Silva Ana, Guadalupe-Grau Amelia, Liñán-González Antonio
Year: 2023  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202311.1905.v1
Influence of Game Space on the Design of Wheelchair Basketball Tasks
Authors: V. Hernández-Beltrán, J Ibáñez Sergio, Espada Mario, M. GAMONALES JOSÉ
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app131911024
Epidemiological impact of neurodegenerative diseases in the rural Spanish-Portuguese cross-border region
Authors: Montserrat Alonso-Sardon, Manuel Paulino, Adilia Fernandes, Maria Antonia Martin-Delgado, Raixa Noemi Perez-Martin, Carlos Pires Magalhaes, Helena Pimentel, al et
Venue: Neurodegenerative Diseases
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1159/000535683
Web Of Science
Within-week and between-week variability of external and internal load demands of professional male volleyball players
Authors: Lima Ricardo, Tomás González Fernandez Francisco, Pereira Joel, Laporta Lorenzo, Castro Henrique, Rebelo André, Filipa Silva Ana, Matos Sérgio, Clemente Filipe
Venue: Human Movement
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/hm.2023.133918
Interpreting match performance in elite futsal: considerations for normalizing variables using effective time
Authors: Konstantinos Spyrou, João Nuno Ribeiro, António Ferraz, Pedro E. Alcaraz, Tomás T. Freitas, Bruno Travassos
Venue: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1256424
The Effects of Players’ Rotations on High-Intensity Activities in Professional Futsal Players
Authors: Nuno Ribeiro João, Yousefian Farzad, Illa Jordi, Couceiro Micael, Sampaio Jaime, Travassos Bruno
Venue: Journal of Human Kinetics
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/jhk/169522
Relating external load variables with individual tactical actions with reference to playing position: an integrated analysis for elite futsal
Authors: Nuno Ribeiro João, Yousefian Farzad, Monteiro Diogo, Illa Jordi, Couceiro Micael, Sampaio Jaime, Travassos Bruno
Venue: International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/24748668.2023.2296777
Assessment of Muscle Activity during a Deadlift Performed by Trained and Untrained Construction Workers
Authors: Alexandre Da Costa-Machado Renato, Teresa Conceição Ana, Rocha Fernando, Branco Marco
Year: 2023  Type: Preprint  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202312.1204.v1
Does participation in therapeutic exercise programs after finishing oncology treatment still ensure an adequate health status for long-term breast cancer survivors? A = 5 years follow-up study
Authors: Álvarez-Salvago Francisco, Daniel Jiménez-García José, Martínez-Amat Antonio, Pujol-Fuentes Clara, Atienzar-Aroca Sandra, Molina-García Cristina, Aibar-Almazán Agustín
Venue: Supportive Care in Cancer
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1007/s00520-023-07801-8
Positivity and coping as key to well-being and psychological adjustment during the pandemic of COVID-19: A follow-up study in Portugal
Authors: José Ferreira Maria, Sofia Rui, F. Carreno David, Eisenbeck Nikolett, Fernando A. Cruz José
Venue: Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1111/aphw.12462
Effectiveness of Therapeutic Education in Patients with Cancer Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: María González-Martín Ana, Aguilera-García Iván, Castellote-Caballero Yolanda, Rivas-Campo Yulieth, Bernal-Suárez Antonio, Aibar-Almazán Agustín
Venue: Cancers
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/cancers15164123
Sport For The Older Adults. An Adaptation Proposal Through The Project In Common Sports
Authors: Silva Bruno, Bezerra Pedro, Lopez Rodriguez Adriana, Filipa Silva Ana, Maria Cancela-Carral José
Venue: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000987012.82905.6e
Schimago Q1
Effects of different intervention combined with resistance training on musculoskeletal health in older male adults with sarcopenia: A systematic review
Authors: del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile María, Florencia Lorenzo-Nocino María, Fernando Afanador-Restrepo Diego, Rodríguez-López Carlos, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Hita-Contreras Fidel, Achalandabaso-Ochoa Alexander, Castellote-Caballero Yolanda
Venue: Frontiers in Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1037464
Effects of High-Intensity Functional Training (HIFT) on the Functional Capacity, Frailty, and Physical Condition of Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Blind Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Authors: Rivas-Campo Yulieth, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Fernando Afanador-Restrepo Diego, Alexandra García-Garro Patricia, Cecilia Vega-Ávila Gloria, Rodríguez-López Carlos, Castellote-Caballero Yolanda, del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile María, Leyre Lavilla-Lerma María
Venue: Life
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/life13051224
Women Refereeing In Soccer: Differences In Retention Strategies Between Portugal And Spain Soccer Federations
Authors: Silva-Santos Sandra, Bezerra Pedro, Lima Ricardo, Rafaela Martins Susana, Silva Bruno
Venue: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1249/
Schimago Q1
Effects of Myofascial Release Using Finding-Oriented Manual Therapy Combined with Foam Roller on Physical Performance in University Athletes. A Randomized Controlled Study
Authors: Fernando Afanador-Restrepo Diego, Rodríguez-López Carlos, Rivas-Campo Yulieth, Baena-Marín Mateo, Castellote-Caballero Yolanda, Quesada-Ortiz Raúl, Catalina Osuna-Pérez María, del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile María, Aibar-Almazán Agustín
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2023  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20021364
Age-related sarcopenia index and functional capacity in elderly community members: a correlational study
Authors: R.V. Letieri, P.H.T. Araújo, K.M. da Silva, B.F. Antunez, M.J.A. Farias, P.M.N. Barros, L.M. dos Reis, G.E. Furtado
Venue: Motricidade
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.6063/motricidade.23834
Estudo do perfil eletrocardiográfico em judocas
Authors: Patrícia Coelho, Francisco Rodrigues, Hudson Rocha
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.56238/sevenmedicalnursing2022
Front crawl swimming coordination: a systematic review
Authors: F. Silva Ana, Seifert Ludovic, J. Fernandes Ricardo, Paulo Vilas Boas João, Figueiredo Pedro
Venue: Sports Biomechanics
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2022.2125428
Schimago Q1
Patient centricity as strategy to improve quality of service in healthcare management
Authors: L. Pereira, C. H. Jerónimo, Salgado Andre, Á. Dias, R. Lopes da Costa, R. Gonçalves
Venue: International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijhtm.2022.10053165
Schimago Q4
The Benefits of Resistance Training in Obese Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Authors: Bruno Ribeiro, Pedro Forte, Raquel Vinhas, Daniel A. Marinho, Luís B. Faíl, Ana Pereira, Fernando Vieira, Henrique P. Neiva
Venue: Sports Medicine - Open
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s40798-022-00501-3
Schimago Q1
The Multistage 20-m Shuttle Run Test for Predicting VO2Peak in 6–9-Year-Old Children: A Comparison with VO2Peak Predictive Equations
Authors: João Paulo Brito, Christophe Domingos, Ana Fátima Pereira, João Moutão, Rafael Oliveira
Venue: Biology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/biology11091356
Schimago Q1
Small-sided games in volleyball: A systematic review of the state of the art
Authors: Henrique de Oliveira Castro, Lorenzo Laporta, Ricardo Lima, Filipe Clemente, José Afonso, Samuel Aguiar, Alexandre Ribeiro, Gustavo de Conti Teixeira Costa
Venue: Biology of Sport
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/biolsport.2022.109960
Schimago Q1
Surfing on physical education curriculum and the impact on student¿s well-being
Authors: Bruno Silva, Gonçalo Cruz, Renato Bentes, Franco Lima Ricardo
Venue: Journal of Physical Education
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.4025/jphyseduc.v33i1.3317
Schimago Q4
Functional Design of Tri-Laminated Wool Fabrics Improving Comfort Properties
Authors: Benilde Reis, Rui Miguel, José Lucas, Madalena Pereira, Claudia Pinheiro, Gilda Santos, João Carvalho, Fernando Moreira da Silva, Manuel Santos Silva
Venue: Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.4028/p-435hw2
Schimago Q4
The boundaries of knowledge transfer in management consulting
Authors: R. L. Costa, L. Pereira, Á. Dias, R. Gonçalves, C. Jerónimo, R. Santos
Venue: International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijpmb.2020.10039415
Schimago Q3
The Necessity of a Reduced Version of the Psychomotor Battery to Screen for Learning Difficulties in Preschool Children
Authors: Pedro Flores, Jose Eduardo Teixeira, Anna Kosmider Leal, Joana Ribeiro, Antonio Miguel Monteiro, Rui Brito Fonseca, Luis Branquinho, Ricardo Ferraz, Pedro Forte
Venue: Sustainability
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/su14127263
Web Of Science
Schimago Q1
Service design from staffing to outsourcing
Authors: C. H. Jerónimo, L. Pereira, R. Lopes da Costa, Á. Dias
Venue: International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.4018/ijssmet.297493
Schimago Q2
Business models competition based on knowledge assets
Authors: L. Pereira, C. H. Jerónimo, Á. Dias, R. Lopes da Costa, R. Gonçalves, N. Teixeira
Venue: International Journal of Business Environment
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijbe.2022.121957
Schimago Q3
R&D projects co-financed by public funds
Authors: C. H. Jerónimo, D. Barroso, L. Pereira, R. Lopes da Costa, Á. Dias, R. Gonçalves
Venue: International Journal of Procurement Management
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijpm.2023.127904
Schimago Q2
Aerodynamic analysis of human walking, running and sprinting by numerical simulations
Authors: Pedro Forte, Nuno Sousa, José Eduardo Teixeira, D.A. Marinho, A.M. Monteiro, José A. Bragada, J.E. Morais, Tiago M. Barbosa
Venue: Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.37190/abb-02019-2022-06
Schimago Q3
Methodological procedures for non-linear analyses of physiological and behavioural data in football
Authors: José Eduardo Teixeira, Pedro Forte, R. Ferraz, Luís Branquinho, A.J. Silva, Tiago M. Barbosa, A.M. Monteiro
Venue: Exercise Physiology
Year: 2022  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.102577
Injury Prevention Programmes in Male Soccer Players: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews
Authors: Joel Barrera, Antonio J. Figueiredo, Filipe Manuel Clemente, Adam Field, Luis Valenzuela, Hugo Sarmento
Venue: Journal of Men's Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1810200
Schimago Q4
Análise dos golos no Mundial de Futebol da Rússia 2018
Authors: Fernando Jorge Lourenço dos Santos, Duarte Belchior, Mauro Rodrigues, Paulo Malico Sousa, Valter Pinheiro, Marco Correia
Venue: Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.6018/cpd.439221
Integrating physical and tactical factors in football using positional data: a systematic review
Authors: Jose Eduardo Teixeira, Pedro Forte, Ricardo Ferraz, Luis Branquinho, Antonio Jose Silva, Antonio Miguel Monteiro, Tiago M. Barbosa
Venue: PeerJ
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.7717/peerj.14381
Web Of Science
Schimago Q1
Football Match Line-Up Prediction Based on Physiological Variables: A Machine Learning Approach
Authors: Cortez Alberto, Trigo António, Loureiro Nuno
Venue: Computers
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/computers11030040
Schimago Q2
Variations in individual player area in youth football matches: the effects of changes of players’ age, numerical relations, and pitch zones
Authors: Coito Nuno, Folgado Hugo, Romero Félix, Loureiro Nuno, Travassos Bruno
Venue: International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/24748668.2022.2025713
Schimago Q1
Impact of project management to capability transformation
Authors: V. Patrício, R. Lopes da Costa, N. António, L. Pereira, R. Gonçalves, C. H. Jerónimo
Venue: International Journal of Agile Systems and Management
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijasm.2023.10047943
Schimago Q2
The Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and its Components in Braganca District, North-Eastern Portugal: A Retrospective Observational Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Jose Eduardo Teixeira, Jose A. Bragada, Joao P. Bragada, Joana P. Coelho, Isabel G. Pinto, Luis P. Reis, Pedro M. Magalhaes
Venue: Revista Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.26497/ao210038
Web Of Science
Effects of Chronological Age, Relative Age, and Maturation Status on Accumulated Training Load and Perceived Exertion in Young Sub-Elite Football Players
Authors: Jose Eduardo Teixeira, Ana Ruivo Alves, Ricardo Ferraz, Pedro Forte, Miguel Leal, Joana Ribeiro, Antonio J. Silva, Tiago M. Barbosa, Antonio M. Monteiro
Venue: Frontiers in Physiology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.832202
Web Of Science
Schimago Q1
Strength and Power Performance Changes During an In-Season Resistance Training Program in Elite Futsal Players: A Case Study
Authors: Diogo Luís Marques, João Nuno Ribeiro, António Carlos Sousa, Bruno Travassos, Mário Cardoso Marques
Venue: Journal of Human Kinetics
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.2478/hukin-2022-0096
Schimago Q1
Current Status of the Diagnosis and Management of Osteoporosis
Authors: Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Voltes-Martínez Ana, Castellote-Caballero Yolanda, Fernando Afanador-Restrepo Diego, del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile María, López-Ruiz Elena
Venue: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijms23169465
Web Of Science
Schimago Q1
Acute Effects of High-Intensity Functional Training and Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training on Cognitive Functions in Young Adults
Authors: de Diego-Moreno Manuel, Álvarez-Salvago Francisco, Martínez-Amat Antonio, Boquete-Pumar Carmen, Orihuela-Espejo Antonio, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Daniel Jiménez-García José
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191710608
Schimago Q2
Associations between Muscle Strength, Physical Performance and Cognitive Impairment with Fear of Falling among Older Adults Aged = 60 Years: A Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Orihuela-Espejo Antonio, Álvarez-Salvago Francisco, Martínez-Amat Antonio, Boquete-Pumar Carmen, De Diego-Moreno Manuel, García-Sillero Manuel, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Daniel Jiménez-García José
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191710504
Schimago Q2
Handgrip Strength-Related Factors in a Colombian Hypertensive Population: A Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Rivas-Campo Yulieth, Patricia Muñoz-Laverde Elsa, Agustín Aibar-Almazán, Daniel Jiménez García José, A Martínez-Amat, Alexandra García-Garro Patricia, Miguel Muñoz-Perete Juan, Garcia-Sillero Manuel, Yolanda Castellote Caballero M
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19063726
Schimago Q2
Vascular Risk Factors Impact In Carotid Intima-Media Index: Patients Over 65 Years
Authors: Patricia Coelho, Sónia Mateus
Venue: Journal of Hypertension
Year: 2022  Type: Conference-abstract  DOI: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000836616.22719.69
Schimago Q1
Multivariate Training Programs during Physical Education Classes in School Context: Theoretical Considerations and Future Perspectives
Authors: Silva Avelino, Ferraz Ricardo, Forte Pedro, Eduardo Teixeira José, Branquinho Luís, DA Marinho
Venue: Sports
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/sports10060089
Schimago Q1
Healthcare management and leadership roles
Authors: R. Lopes da Costa, L. Pereira, R. Gonçalves, Á. Dias, C. H. Jerónimo, N. Teixeira
Venue: International Journal of Electronic Healthcare
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijeh.2022.122135
Schimago Q4
Spatial-temporal monitoring risk analysis and decision-making of COVID-19 distribution by region
Authors: L. Pereira, J. Correia, J. Sequeiros, J. Santos, C. H. Jerónimo
Venue: International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijspm.2022.123472
Schimago Q4
Project management tacit knowledge for continuous improvement
Authors: L. Pereira, R. Lopes da Costa, Á. Dias, R. Gonçalves, C. H. Jerónimo
Venue: International Journal of Economics and Business Research
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijebr.2022.123176
Schimago Q3
How health knowledge that can influence patient outcome
Authors: L. Pereira, C. H. Jerónimo, Salgado Andre, Á. Dias, R. Lopes da Costa, R. Gonçalves
Venue: International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijmei.2022.10045013
Schimago Q4
Game criticality in male youth football: Situational and age-related effects on the goal-scoring period in Portuguese national championships
Authors: Carlos Humberto Almeida, Paulo Cruz, Ricardo Gonçalves, Rui Batalau, Paulo Paixão, José António Jorge, Pedro Vargas
Venue: Retos
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v46.94275
Schimago Q3
Culture influence in international organizations
Authors: R. Lopes da Costa, L. Pereira, Á. Dias, R. Gonçalves, C. H. Jerónimo, R. Santos
Venue: International Journal of Economics and Business Research
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijebr.2022.10036642
Schimago Q3
How to improve operational processes using Monte Carlo simulation
Authors: L. Pereira, J. Santos, C. Jerónimo, R. Santos
Venue: International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijpmb.2020.10039569
Schimago Q3
The link between self-knowledge and job satisfaction
Authors: L. Pereira, A. Salgado, Á. Dias, R. Lopes da Costa, C. H. Jerónimo, J. P. Santos
Venue: International Journal of Business Excellence
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1504/ijbex.2020.10034212
Schimago Q3
Impact of Exercise on Vascular Function in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Scoping Review
Authors: Bovolini Antonio, Raquel Costa-Brito Ana, Martins Faber, Eustáquio Furtado Guilherme, V. Mendonça Gonçalo, Vila-Chã Carolina
Venue: Sports
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/sports10120208
Schimago Q1
Levels of Physical Activity in Portuguese Children: the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Authors: Mercê Cristiana, Cordeiro Jéssica, Romão Catarina, Branco Marco, Catela David
Venue: Retos
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v47.94936
Schimago Q3
The re-organization of action in golf putting under different task constraints
Authors: Micael Couceiro, Goncalo Dias, Duarte Araujo, Keith Davids, Jose Gama, Rui Mendes, Fernando Martins, Vasco Vaz
Venue: Journal of Men's Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1801026
Web Of Science
Schimago Q4
Allometrically adjusted handgrip strength and chair stand test cut points to identify sarcopenia in older Portuguese adults
Authors: Pugliesi Abdalla Pedro, Bohn Lucimere, Mota Jorge, Roberto Lopes Machado Dalmo
Venue: Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1590/1980-0037.2022v24e84063
Schimago Q4
Circadian rhythmicity of amyloid-beta-related molecules is disrupted in the choroid plexus of a female Alzheimer's disease mouse model
Authors: Furtado André, J. Esgalhado André, Catarina Duarte Ana, R. Costa Ana, R. Costa-Brito Ana, Carro Eva, Ishikawa Hiroshi, al et
Venue: Journal of Neuroscience Research
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1002/jnr.25164
Schimago Q2
Team identification and sponsors’ altruistic motives on the effectiveness of professional soccer sponsorship
Authors: Silva Alfredo
Venue: Managing Sport and Leisure
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1080/23750472.2022.2084636
Schimago Q2
Effects of a small-sided games training program in youth male soccer players: variations of the locomotor profile while interacting with baseline level and with the accumulated load
Authors: Ana Filipa Silva, Rafael Oliveira, Halil Ibrahim Ceylan, Zeki Akyildiz, Francisco Tomás González-Fernández, Hadi Nobari, Mehmet Yildiz, Sabri Birlik, Filipe Manuel Clemente
Venue: BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1186/s13102-022-00595-y
Schimago Q2
Effects of recreational soccer on fat mass in untrained sedentary adults: a systematic review with meta-analysis
Authors: Silva Rui
Venue: Human Movement
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/hm.2022.109797
Schimago Q3
Acute and chronic cardiometabolic responses induced by resistance training with blood flow restriction in HIV patients
Authors: Cândido Alves Thiago, Pugliesi Abdalla Pedro, Bohn Lucimere, Santos Lopes Da Silva Leonardo, Pereira dos Santos André, Fernando Tasinafo Júnior Márcio, Cláudia Rossini Venturini Ana, Mota Jorge, Roberto Lopes Machado Dalmo
Venue: Scientific Reports
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-19857-3
Schimago Q1
Da conceptualização à operacionalização: a importância da especificidade da intervenção no exercício em futebol
Authors: Ferraz Ricardo, Marques André, Miguel Gomes Forte Pedro, Eduardo de Araújo Teixeira José, Branquinho Luís
Venue: Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.46642/efd.v27i290.2737
Comparison between Olympic Weightlifting Lifts and Derivatives for External Load and Fatigue Monitoring
Authors: Paulo Antunes Joaquim, Oliveira Rafael, Machado Reis Victor, Romero Félix, Moutão João, Paulo Brito João
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare10122499
Schimago Q2
Integrating physical, physiological and tactical factors in football using positional data: A systematic review
Authors: E. Teixeira José, Forte Pedro, Ferraz Ricardo, Branquinho Luís, J. Silva António, M. Monteiro António, M. Barbosa Tiago
Year: 2022  Type: Report  DOI: 10.37766/inplasy2022.7.0030
Daily and weekly external loads in the microcycle: Characterization and comparison between playing positions on amateur soccer
Authors: Mauro Miguel, Alberto Cortez, Felix Romero, Nuno Loureiro, Javier García-Rubio, Sergio José Ibáñez
Venue: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2022.943367
Schimago Q1
Modeling the Major Influencing Factor on Match Running Performance during the In-Season Phase in a Portuguese Professional Football Team
Authors: E. Teixeira José, Branquinho Luís, Leal Miguel, A. Marinho Daniel, Ferraz Ricardo, M. Barbosa Tiago, M. Monteiro António, Forte Pedro
Venue: Sports
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/sports10080121
Web Of Science
Schimago Q1
Effects of a short-term in-season break on repeated-sprint ability, jump height and locomotor performance in small-sided games in female soccer players
Authors: Rodríguez-Fernández Alejandro, A Rodríguez-Marroyo José, Vaquera Alejandro, G Villa Vicente José, M Clemente Filipe
Venue: International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17479541221131932
Schimago Q1
Sleep Quality and Training Intensity in Soccer Players: Exploring Weekly Variations and Relationships
Authors: Ana Filipa Silva, Rafael Oliveira, Zeki Akyildiz, Mehmet Yildiz, Yücel Ocak, Mehmet Günay, Hugo Sarmento, al et
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app12062791
Schimago Q2
Qigong for mental health and sleep quality in postmenopausal women: A randomized controlled trial
Authors: del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile María, Aibar-Almazán Agustín, Daniel Jiménez-García José, Vânia Azevedo Ferreira Brandão Loureiro, Martínez-Amat Antonio, Brandão-Loureiro Vânia, Alexandra García-Garro Patricia, al et
Venue: Medicine
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1097/md.0000000000030897
Schimago Q3
Comparisons and correlations between the anthropometric profile and physical performance of professional female and male soccer players: Individualities that should be considered in training
Authors: Schons Pedro, Avelino Birk Preissler Artur, Oliveira Rafael, Paulo Brito João, Manuel Clemente Filipe, Droescher de Vargas Guilherme, Moraes Klein Lucas, Fernando Martins Kruel Luiz
Venue: International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17479541221131649
Schimago Q1
Editorial: Training Methodology: A Multidimensional Approach for Team Sports
Authors: Ana Filipa Silva, José Afonso, Hugo Sarmento, Daniel Castillo, Gibson Moreira Praça, Javier Raya-González, Luca Paolo Ardigò, al et
Venue: Frontiers in Psychology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.862465
Schimago Q2
The re-organization of action in golf putting under different taskconstraints
Authors: Vasco Vaz, Fernando Martins, Rui Mendes, José Gama, Keith Davids, Duarte Araújo, Gonçalo Dias, Micael Santos Couceiro, G Dias
Venue: Journal of Men's Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1801026
Web Of Science
Schimago Q4
Asthma Prevalence in Adolescent Students from a Portuguese Primary and Secondary School
Authors: Flores Pedro, E. Teixeira José, K. Leal Anna, Branquinho Luís, Brito Fonseca Rui, Silva-Santos Sandra, Batista Amanda, al et
Venue: Adolescents
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/adolescents2030029
Weekly Training Load across a Standard Microcycle in a Sub-Elite Youth Football Academy: A Comparison between Starters and Non-Starters
Authors: E. Teixeira José, Branquinho Luís, Ferraz Ricardo, Leal Miguel, J. Silva António, M. Barbosa Tiago, M. Monteiro António, Forte Pedro
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191811611
Web Of Science
Schimago Q2
Effect of Blood Flow Restriction Technique on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: A Systematic Review
Authors: Rodrigues Sandra, Forte Pedro, Dewaele Eva, Branquinho Luís, E. Teixeira José, Ferraz Ricardo, M. Barbosa Tiago, M. Monteiro António
Venue: Medicina
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/medicina58091154
Web Of Science
Schimago Q2
Sprint Performance Determinants in High-level Young Swimmers
Authors: L. Matos Carolina, T. Conceição Ana, G. Louro Hugo, P. Neiva Henrique, N. Sobreiro Pedro, L. Viana Bárbara, A. Marinho Daniel
Venue: The Open Sports Sciences Journal
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.2174/1875399x-v15-e220325-2021-30
Schimago Q3
Continuous and intermittent exercise training responses in liver and white adipose tissue Aquaglyceroporins
Authors: Y. Noorishorabi, E. Talebi-Garakani, A. Safarzade, S. Rocha-Rodrigues, S. Kolahdouzi
Venue: Human Movement
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/hm.2022.107310
Schimago Q3
An IoT-enabled Portable System for Field-based Endurance Run Testing
Authors: JM Passos, SI Lopes, PM Moreira, FM Clemente, P Bezerra, R Silva, LP Rodrigues
Venue: 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research (STAR)
Year: 2022  Type: Conference-paper  DOI: 10.1109/star53492.2022.9859636
Web Of Science
Is the Leptin/Adiponectin Ratio a Better Diagnostic Biomarker for Insulin Resistance than Leptin or Adiponectin Alone in Adolescents?
Authors: Aparecido Agostinis Sobrinho César, E. de Castro Ferreira Vicente Sofia, Norkiene Sigute, Rauckiene-Michaelsson Alona, Kievišiene Justina, Prakash Dubey Viney, Razbadauskas Arturas, Lopes Luis, Santos Rute
Venue: Children
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/children9081193
Schimago Q2
Bullying and Health Related Quality of Life among Adolescents—A Systematic Review
Authors: Prakash Dubey Viney, Kievišiene Justina, Rauckiene-Michealsson Alona, Norkiene Sigute, Razbadauskas Arturas, Aparecido Agostinis Sobrinho César
Venue: Children
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/children9060766
Schimago Q2
Occupational Health: Physical Activity, Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Quality of Life in Computer Workers: A Narrative Review
Authors: Moreira Sara, Begoña Criado Maria, Clara Santos Paula, Salomé Ferreira Maria, Gonçalves Carla, Machado Jorge
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare10122457
Web Of Science
Schimago Q2
Ações de uma estagiária na promoção e sustentação de práticas epistémicas
Authors: Neves Rodrigues Rita, Costa Cecília, M. L. Martins Fernando, José Ruiz Rey Francisco
Venue: Revista Practicum
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.24310/revpracticumrep.v7i2.13518
Profile of self-concept and self-esteem on the academic performance among practitioners of physical education and extracurricular activities in middle-school students
Authors: J. Serrano
Venue: Minerva Pediatrics
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.23736/s2724-5276.22.06766-0
Schimago Q3
The impact of aquatic exercise programs on the systemic hematological and inflammatory markers of community dwelling elderly: A randomized controlled trial
Authors: J. Serrano
Venue: Frontiers in Physiology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.838580
Schimago Q1
Accuracy of Inertial Measurement Units When Applied to the Countermovement Jump of Track and Field Athletes
Authors: Miranda-Oliveira Paulo, Branco Marco, Fernandes Orlando
Venue: Sensors
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/s22197186
Schimago Q1
Authors: Isabel Guerreiro Romão Catarina, Isabel André Mercê Cristiana, Filipa Costa Cordeiro Jéssica, Manuel Vitória Vences de Brito António, António Colaço Branco Marco
Venue: Coluna/Columna
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1590/s1808-185120222103262482
Schimago Q4
Individual Characteristics and Pain Sensitivity during Pregnancy—A Cross-Sectional Study in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women
Authors: Leznicka Katarzyna, Pawlak Maciej, Gasiorowska Agata, Jazdzewska Aleksandra, Wilczynska Dominika, Godlewska Paulina, Lubkowska Anna, al et
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192114151
Schimago Q2
Effects of 8-Week Online, Supervised High-Intensity Interval Training on the Parameters Related to the Anaerobic Threshold, Body Weight, and Body Composition during Pregnancy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors: Yu Hongli, Santos-Rocha Rita, Radziminski Lukasz, Jastrzebski Zbigniew, Bonislawska Iwona, Szwarc Andrzej, Szumilewicz Anna
Venue: Nutrients
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/nu14245279
Schimago Q1
Analysis of Progressive Muscle Relaxation on Psychophysiological Variables in Basketball Athletes
Authors: Pavão Battaglini Marina, Pessôa Filho Dalton, Leal Calais Sandra, Cristina Oliveira Santos Miyazaki Maria, Merussi Neiva Cassiano, Espada Mario, Grava de Moraes Mayra, Eduardo Lopes Verardi Carlos
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192417065
Schimago Q2
Percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo, la ansiedad y la autoconfianza en jugadores de fútbol semiprofesionales
Authors: Alfonso Castillo-Rodríguez, Esteban Ruiz-Sánchez, M. L. Martins Fernando, Wanesa Onetti-Onetti
Venue: Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.14349/rlp.2022.v54.19
Schimago Q2
Design and Validation of an Instrument for Technical Performance Indicators of the Kick (Chagi) Technique in Taekwondo
Authors: Luís Sousa José, M. Gamonales José, Louro Hugo, Sobreiro Pedro, J. Ibáñez Sergio
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app12157675
Schimago Q2
The reliability of back-extrapolation in estimating V¿O2peak in different swimming performances at the severe-intensity domain
Authors: Danilo Alexandre Massini, Astor Reis Simionato, Tiago André Freire Almeida, Anderson Geremias Macedo, Mário Cunha Espada, Joana Filipa Reis, Francisco Besone Alves, Dalton Müller Pessôa Filho
Venue: Frontiers in Physiology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.982638
Web Of Science
Schimago Q1
Time limit and V¿O2 kinetics at maximal aerobic velocity: Continuous vs. intermittent swimming trials
Authors: Tiago A. F. Almeida, Danilo A. Massini, Osvaldo T. Silva Júnior, Rubens Venditti Júnior, Mário A. C. Espada, Anderson G. Macedo, Joana F. Reis, Francisco B. Alves, Dalton M. Pessôa Filho
Venue: Frontiers in Physiology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.982874
Web Of Science
Schimago Q1
The Effects of 12 Weeks In-Water Training in Stroke Kinematics, Dry-Land Power, and Swimming Sprints Performance in Master Swimmers
Venue: Journal of Men's Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1809186
Schimago Q4
Hybrid Random Forest Survival Model to Predict Customer Membership Dropout
Authors: Sobreiro Pedro, Garcia-Alonso José, Martinho Domingos, Berrocal Javier
Venue: Electronics
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/electronics11203328
Schimago Q2
The Effect of Resistance Training on Bone Mineral Density in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: A. Massini Danilo, H. Nedog Flávio, P. de Oliveira Thiago, A. F. Almeida Tiago, A. A. Santana Caroline, M. Neiva Cassiano, G. Macedo Anderson, al et
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare10061129
Schimago Q2
T-pattern analysis of offensive and defensive actions of youth football goalkeepers
Venue: Frontiers in Psychology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.957858
Schimago Q2
Performance analysis of professional U-23 portuguese players in small-sided games
Venue: Retos
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v46.90769
Schimago Q3
The Effect of Handlebar Height and Bicycle Frame Length on Muscular Activity during Cycling: A Pilot Study
Authors: Conceição Ana, Milheiro Vítor, A. Parraca José, Rocha Fernando, C. Espada Mário, J. Santos Fernando, Louro Hugo
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19116590
Schimago Q2
Week-to-week variations of internal and external intensity measures in professional women volleyball players
Authors: Filipa Silva Ana, Franco Lima Ricardo, Ramos Ana, Silva Bruno, Pereira Joel, Silva Rui, Manuel Clemente Filipe
Venue: International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1177/17479541221134202
Schimago Q1
Tendências do Fitness em Portugal para 2022
Authors: Liliana Ricardo Ramos, Vera Simões, Susana Carla Alves Franco, R Santos-Rocha, Fátima Ramalho, Isabel Vieira
Venue: Motricidade
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.6063/motricidade.25847
The effect of the exercise environment and the level of involvement on bone mineral health
Authors: A. Massini Danilo, D. de Souza Martins Nilson, P. de Oliveira Thiago, G. Macedo Anderson, A. Castro Eliane, A. F. Almeida Tiago, J. Santos Fernando, C. Espada Mário, Pessôa Filho Dalton
Venue: Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1007/s00774-022-01387-7
Schimago Q2
Quality of life of fitness professionals in Portugal: Comparative and correlation study
Authors: Isabel Vieira, Dulce Esteves, Liliana Ramos, Vera Simões, Susana Franco
Venue: Frontiers in Psychology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.958063
Schimago Q2
Authors: F.M. Clemente, R. Oliveira, R. Silva, Z. Akyildiz, H.I. Ceylan, J.R. González, F.T.G. Fernández, al et
Venue: Field-based Tests for Soccer Players
Year: 2022  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-03895-2_1
Schimago Q4
Impact of Different Resistance Training Protocols on Balance, Quality of Life and Physical Activity Level of Older Women
Authors: Leitão Luis, R. O. Venturini Gabriela, Luiz Pace Júnior Ricardo, Rios Monteiro Estêvão, Guilherme Telles Luiz, Araújo Gleisson, Novaes Jefferson, al et
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191811765
Schimago Q2
Local muscle oxygenation during different cuff-pressures intervention: a punctual near-infrared spectroscopy measurement
Authors: Meireles Anderson, T. de Oliveira Géssyca, L. R. de Souza Hiago, A. Arriel Rhaí, Leitão Luis, P. dos Santos Marcelo, Marocolo Moacir
Venue: Motriz: Revista de Educação Física
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1590/s1980-657420220004122
Schimago Q3
Heart rate variability and blood pressure during and after three CrossFit® sessions
Authors: Cristina Barreto Ana, P Medeiros Adalberto, da Silva Araujo Gleisson, Vale Rodrigo, M Vianna Jeferson, Alkimin Rodolfo, Serra Rhodes, al et
Venue: Retos
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v47.93780
Schimago Q3
Classification of nutritional status by fat mass index: does the measurement tool matter?
Authors: Góes Borges Franciane, Pugliesi Abdalla Pedro, Cândido Alves Thiago, Cláudia Rossini Venturini Ana, Pereira dos Santos André, Fernando Tasinafo Junior Marcio, Aznar Susana, Mota Jorge, Roberto Lopes Machado Dalmo
Venue: Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1590/1980-0037.2022v24e84048
Schimago Q4
Portable Digital Monitoring System for Sarcopenia Screening and Diagnosis
Authors: Teixeira Eduardo, Bohn Lucimere, Pedro Guimarães José, Marques-Aleixo Inês
Venue: Geriatrics
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/geriatrics7060121
Schimago Q2
Sedentary Behaviour Impairs Skeletal Muscle Repair Modulating the Inflammatory Response
Authors: Teixeira Eduardo, Garcia Juliana, Antonio Bovolini Jose, Carvalho Ana, Pacheco Júlio, Alberto Duarte José
Venue: Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/jfmk7040076
Schimago Q2
The Impact of Moderate-to-High-Intensity Exercise Protocols on Glycated Hemoglobin Levels in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
Authors: Pedrosa Ana, Furtado Guilherme, Paes de Barros Marcelo, Luís Lacerda Bachi André, Pedro Ferreira José, A. Sardão Vilma, Rama Luís, Teixeira Ana
Venue: Diabetology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/diabetology4010002
Characterization of external load in different types of exercise in professional soccer
Authors: Lillian Gonçalves, Miguel Camões, Ricardo Lima, Pedro Bezerra, Pantelis Theodoros Nikolaidis, Thomas Rosemann, Beat Knechtle, Filipe Clemente
Venue: Human Movement
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5114/hm.2021.104190
Schimago Q3
Otago Exercise Program plus Cognitive Dual-task can Reduce Fall Risk, Improve Cognition and Functioning in Older Adults
Authors: Clara Santos Paula, Roberto Lopes Machado Dalmo, Pugliesi Abdalla Pedro, Vanessa Santos Claúdia, Lopes Sofia, Correia Martins Anabela, Mota Jorge, Mesquita Cristina
Venue: Current Aging Science
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.2174/1874609815666220827143753
Bone Mineral Content Estimation in People Living with HIV: Prediction and Validation of Sex-Specific Anthropometric Models
Authors: Massari Correia Igor, Marliere Navarro Anderson, Fernanda Corrêa Cordeiro Jéssica, Barsanulfo Gonçalves Gomide Euripedes, Fernanda Mazzonetto Lisa, de Sousa Oliveira Alcivandro, Sebastião Emerson, al et
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191912336
Schimago Q2
Sleep Quality and Quality of Life Among Older Adults During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Bohn Lucimere, Pugliesi Abdalla Pedro, Sampaio de Queiroz Neto Elzier, Carolina Silveira de Souza Lage Ana, Gomes Sérgio, das Dores Bezerra de Freitas Maria, Pedro-Costa Simão, al et
Venue: Current Aging Science
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.2174/1874609815666220304195647
Discussion of Field-Based Soccer Tests for Sprinting, Change-Of-Direction, and Agility
Authors: F.M. Clemente, R. Oliveira, R. Silva, Z. Akyildiz, H.I. Ceylan, J.R. González, F.T.G. Fernández, al et
Venue: Field-based Tests for Soccer Players
Year: 2022  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-03895-2_6
Web Of Science
Schimago Q4
Discussion of Field-Based Soccer Tests for Aerobic Fitness
Authors: F.M. Clemente, R. Oliveira, R. Silva, Z. Akyildiz, H.I. Ceylan, J.R. González, F.T.G. Fernández, al et
Venue: Field-based Tests for Soccer Players
Year: 2022  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-03895-2_5
Web Of Science
Schimago Q4
A qualidade do serviço avaliada pelos clientes que não frequentam o ginásio de acordo com as diferenças sociodemográficas
Authors: Elsa Vieira, João J. M. Ferreira, Ricardo São João
Venue: Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.6018/cpd.492641
Characteristics of the Included Tests
Authors: F.M. Clemente, R. Oliveira, R. Silva, Z. Akyildiz, H.I. Ceylan, J.R. González, F.T.G. Fernández, al et
Venue: Field-based Tests for Soccer Players
Year: 2022  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-03895-2_3
Web Of Science
Schimago Q4
Exercise Evaluation and Prescription in Older Adults
Authors: Eustáquio Furtado Guilherme, Vinícius Letieri Rubens, Carballeira Eduardo
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11010042
Schimago Q2
Human endogenous retroviruses and the inflammatory response: A vicious circle associated with health and illness.
Authors: SC Rangel, Silva MD da, Silva AL da, Santos JMB Dos, LM Neves, A Pedrosa, FM Rodrigues, al et
Venue: Frontiers in immunology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1057791
Schimago Q1
Ultimate Frisbee Players: Characteristics according to Their Competitive Level and Spirit of the Game
Authors: Pedro Amoroso José, Valente-dos-Santos João, Eustáquio Furtado Guilherme, Rebelo-Gonçalves Ricardo, Antunes Raul, Calmeiro Luís
Venue: Sports
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/sports10120197
Schimago Q1
Learning to Cycle: Is Velocity a Control Parameter for Children's Cycle Patterns on the Balance Bike?
Authors: Mercê Cristiana, Cordovil Rita, Catela David, Galdino Flávia, Bernardino Mafalda, Altenburg Mirjam, António Gonçalo, Brígida Nancy, Branco Marco
Venue: Children
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/children9121937
Web Of Science
Schimago Q2
Déficits no Comportamento de Atividade Física em Crianças com Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação: Revisão Sistemática
Authors: Mercê Cristiana, Cordeiro Jéssica, Romão Catarina, Branco Marco, Catela David
Venue: Retos
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.47197/retos.v47.94946
Schimago Q3
Nutrition and Physical Exercise in Women
Authors: Rocha-Rodrigues Sílvia, Afonso José, Sousa Mónica
Venue: Nutrients
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/nu14142981
Schimago Q1
Multimodal Benefits of Exercise in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis and COVID-19
Venue: Frontiers in Physiology
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.783251
Schimago Q1
Systematically Revising the Literature of Field-Based Soccer Tests
Authors: F.M. Clemente, R. Oliveira, R. Silva, Z. Akyildiz, H.I. Ceylan, J.R. González, F.T.G. Fernández, al et
Venue: Field-based Tests for Soccer Players
Year: 2022  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-03895-2_2
Web Of Science
Schimago Q4
Reliability Levels of the Tests
Authors: F.M. Clemente, R. Oliveira, R. Silva, Z. Akyildiz, H.I. Ceylan, J.R. González, F.T.G. Fernández, al et
Venue: Field-based Tests for Soccer Players
Year: 2022  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-03895-2_4
Web Of Science
Schimago Q4
Discussion of Field-Based Soccer Tests for Strength and Power
Authors: F.M. Clemente, R. Oliveira, R. Silva, Z. Akyildiz, H.I. Ceylan, J.R. González, F.T.G. Fernández, al et
Venue: Field-based Tests for Soccer Players
Year: 2022  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-03895-2_7
Web Of Science
Schimago Q4
Body Composition Changes During Pregnancy and Effects of Physical Exercise
Authors: M. Pimenta Nuno, Hausmann Frøydis, Falco Coral, van Poppel Mireille
Venue: Exercise and Physical Activity During Pregnancy and Postpartum
Year: 2022  Type: Book-chapter  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-06137-0_4
Ischemic Preconditioning with High and Low Pressure Enhances Maximum Strength and Modulates Heart Rate Variability
Authors: Guilherme Telles Luiz, Billaut François, de Souza Ribeiro Aline, Geórgea Junqueira Christian, Leitão Luís, Cristina Barreto Ana, Panza Patricia, Macedo Vianna Jeferson, da Silva Novaes Jefferson
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19137655
Schimago Q2
Field-based Tests for Soccer Players
Authors: Filipe Manuel Clemente, Rafael Oliveira, Rui Silva, Zeki Akyildiz, Halil Ibrahim Ceylan, Javier Raya González, Francisco Tomás González Fernández, al et
Venue: SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology
Year: 2022  Type: Book  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-03895-2
Schimago Q4
The Mediating Effect of Physical Fitness and Dietary Intake on the Relationship of Physical Activity with Body Composition in High School Students
Authors: Bento André, Carrasco Luis, Raimundo Armando
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19127301
Schimago Q2
An Active Retirement Programme, a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Sensorimotor Training Programme for Older Adults: A Study Protocol
Authors: Carolina Alexandra Cabo, Orlando Fernandes, María Mendoza-Muñoz, Sabina Barrios-Fernandez, Laura Muñoz-Bermejo, Rafael Gómez-Galán, Jose A. Parraca
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11010086
Web Of Science
Schimago Q2
The Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on the Perception of Physical Activity and on the Perception of Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Computer Workers: Comparative Longitudinal Study Design
Authors: Moreira Sara, Begoña Criado Maria, Salomé Ferreira Maria, Machado Jorge, Gonçalves Carla, Mesquita Cristina, Lopes Sofia, Clara Santos Paula
Venue: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19127311
Web Of Science
Schimago Q2
A SLR on Customer Dropout Prediction
Authors: Sobreiro Pedro, Dos Santos Martinho Domingos, G. Alonso Jose, Berrocal Javier
Venue: IEEE Access
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.1109/access.2022.3146397
Schimago Q1
Envolvimento com a corrida, lealdade à corrida e bem-estar subjetivo: Análise de clusters,Implicación y lealtad en carrera y bienestar subjetivo en corredores: Análisis de clusters,Running involvement, loyalty to running, and subjective well-being: A clus
Authors: A. Silva, P. Sobreiro
Venue: Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.6018/cpd.468611
Swimmer Dropout Rate: A Survival Analysis
Authors: P. Sobreiro, A. Silva, A. Conceição, H. Louro, A. Santos, P. Pinheiro, P.G. de Carvalho
Venue: Apunts Educación Física y Deportes
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.5672/
Schimago Q1
The Impact of Physical Activity Levels and Functional Fitness Status on the Quality of Life Perceived by Older Adults Living in Rural and Urban Areas: The Portuguese Inland Case
Authors: Eustáquio Furtado Guilherme, Vaz Cláudia, Bovolini Antonio, Marques Ermelinda, Serra Nuno, Raquel Costa-Brito Ana, Vila-Chã Carolina
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare10071266
Schimago Q2
Dispositional Orientations in Competitive Ultimate Frisbee Athletes
Authors: Amoroso José, Antunes Raul, Valente-dos-Santos João, Furtado Guilherme, Rebelo-Gonçalves Ricardo
Venue: Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.6018/cpd.468761
The Effect of a Resistance Training, Detraining and Retraining Cycle on Postural Stability and Estimated Fall Risk in Institutionalized Older Persons: A 40-Week Intervention
Authors: Nogueira Rodrigues Rafael, Carballeira Eduardo, Silva Fernanda, Caldo-Silva Adriana, Abreu Cidalina, Eustaquio Furtado Guilherme, Maria Teixeira Ana
Venue: Healthcare
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/healthcare10050776
Schimago Q2
Impact of Flexibility on Vertical Jump, Balance and Speed in Amateur Football Players
Authors: Bogalho Daniel, Gomes Ricardo, Mendes Rui, Dias Gonçalo, António Castro Maria
Venue: Applied Sciences
Year: 2022  Type: Journal-article  DOI: 10.3390/app12115425
Schimago Q2