ACTIVE PREGNANCY - Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. Impact on maternal health and fitness [2023.14896.PEX] (FCT)
Reference: 2023.14896.PEX, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Key-words: physical exercise physical activity well-being e-health
Main scientific area: Health & Medical Sciences
Scientific area: Health Sciences - Sport Sciences / Evaluation board: Health and Sport Sciences
Approval for funding score: 8.29/9
Start date: 15.11.2024 / Duration: 18 months
Principal Investigator:
Rita Alexandra Prior Falhas Santos Rocha (Ciência ID 4A15-784A-FC14) Instituto Politécnico de Santarém – Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior / SPRINT – Sport Physical Activity and Health Research & Innovation Center / Centro de Investigação & Inovação em Desporto Atividade Física e Saúde
Research Team:
Cristina Isabel Nogueira da Silva (Ciência ID E310-1927-4697) Universidade do Minho - Instituto de Investigação em Ciências da Vida e Saúde
Maria Otília Brites Zangão (Ciência ID 1713-C271-C4BC) Universidade de Évora - Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. João de Deus
Paula Clara Ribeiro Santos (Ciência ID 5C16-2441-F091) Instituto Politécnico do Porto - Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto
Rui Miguel Frazão Jorge (Ciência ID 7D1D-0A75-A4B7) Instituto Politécnico de Leiria - Escola Superior de Saúde de Leiria
Marco António Colaço Branco (Ciência ID 4B1F-73E2-29C9) Instituto Politécnico de Santarém – Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior / SPRINT – Sport Physical Activity and Health Research & Innovation Center / Centro de Investigação & Inovação em Desporto Atividade Física e Saúde
Nuno M Pimenta (Ciência ID 9A10-E335-B555) Instituto Politécnico de Santarém – Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior / SPRINT – Sport Physical Activity and Health Research & Innovation Center / Centro de Investigação & Inovação em Desporto Atividade Física e Saúde
Anna Szumilewicz (ORCID 0E16-7A9D-58AA) Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport (AWFiS), Poland
Ruben Barakat (ORCID D012-E4F7-51F2) Madrid Polytechnic University, Spain
Kari Bø (ORCID 1D1D-2D64-F417) Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH), Oslo, Norway
Colaborating members:
Maria-Raquel G Silva (Ciência ID 2518-6117-FB25) Universidade Fernando Pessoa
Jorge Mota (Ciência ID F91A-3057-A2C4), Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto / CIAFEL
PhD/MSc Students:
Joana Prior de Freitas (UBI)
Bárbara Castro (FADEUP)
Laura Massa Alves (ESDRM)
Sandra Sousa (ESDRM)
Recent literature highlights that maintaining light to moderate physical activity and a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy without contra-indications has several benefits for the health of the woman and the fetus. Physical fitness is considered a powerful marker of health since it was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular events, cancer and all-cause mortality in all ages, including adult women. A few studies with pregnant women highlighted the potential impact of a higher physical fitness levels on a better maternal and fetal health. For public health, not only pregnancy and birth outcomes are of relevance, but also the long-term health of both mother and offspring. The gestational period is an opportunity for healthcare and exercise professionals to promote positive health behaviors that can have both short- and long-term benefits for the mother by providing effective strategies and evidence-based resources. The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the need for virtual interaction with participants.
Therefore, it is pertinent to implement comprehensive prenatal exercise programs, delivered in virtual and presential contexts of intervention, and to contribute to evidence-based knowledge about their impact on physical activity, fitness, and health parameters (namely, compliance with physical activity guidelines, fitness and functionality, gait, weight management, nutritional status, prevalence of common pregnancy complaints and diseases, quality of life, pregnancy outcomes, new-born health and postpartum recovery), regardless of maternal age, active and healthy lifestyle compliance, and context of intervention.
The primary aims of the project are to implement a multi-center control trial and assess the effects of the ACTIVE PREGNANCY program on women’s physical activity, fitness and health parameters depending on (1) the context of intervention (virtual versus presential); (2) active and healthy lifestyle compliance with guidelines (physical activity, sleep, nutritional status, and stress); and (3) maternal age (less than and over 35 years). Secondary aims include: (4) to assess the adherence and satisfaction with the program and available educational resources (guides and videos); (5) to explore the usability and preferences of women regarding future digital resources; and (6) to promote the ACTIVE PREGNANCY program by improving and providing evidence-based resources.
The main methods of the project will be: (1-3) to describe the protocol of the ACTIVE PREGNANCY program according to the SPIRIT guidelines, and to report its results according to the CONSORT guidelines; (4) to assess the adherence and satisfaction with the program and available educational resources, namely the digital resources of the YouTube Channel Active Pregnancy and e-books; (5) to conduct a qualitative study regarding the usability and preferences of women regarding future digital resources; (6) to organize a conference for healthcare and exercise professionals, and, depending on previous results, to updated the Active Pregnancy Guide, and to provide new evidence-based educational resources, namely webinars, workshops and workouts, and the structure of the Active Pregnancy e-health app for guidance and self-management of women´s healthy lifestyle.
Expected results
Expected results include publications and evidence-based educational resources for pregnant women and healthcare and exercise professionals; development of efficient programs and strategies; boosting the development of personal devices used for self-management of health among pregnant women; raising individual awareness and empower women to participate in the management of their health and their babies’ health; and boosting research and knowledge in this field.
The relevance of the project is focused on the citizen engagement in health, wellbeing, and prevention of diseases, and shall enable women to become co-managers of their health and physical and mental wellbeing, including quality of life, health literacy, and lifestyle factors, with the help of new tools and evidence-based knowledge. The multidisciplinary team and approaches will boost research and knowledge in this field, as well as the role of exercise and health professionals in the health care process.
Research team
The collaboration of multidisciplinary researchers and professional groups, including exercise professionals, gynecologists, midwives, physiotherapists, and nutritionists, will guarantee the success of the project.
The objectives of the project are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda: SDG3 - Good Health & Well-Being, ie, ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages; SDG4 – Education, ie, ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities; SDG5 - Gender Equality, ie, enhancing the use of technology, and to promote the empowerment of women.
Related projects:
CP/216/DDT/2022 (IPDJ) GRAVIDEZ ATIVA / ACTIVE PREGNANCY - Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity Promotion during Pregnancy and Postpartum- PNDpT 2022
CP/536/DDT/2020 (IPDJ) GRAVIDEZ ATIVA / ACTIVE PREGNANCY - Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity Promotion during Pregnancy and Postpartum - PNDpT 2020
CP/704/DDT/2019 (IPDJ) GRAVIDEZ ATIVA / ACTIVE PREGNANCY - Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity Promotion during Pregnancy and Postpartum - PNDpT 2019
PTDC/DES/102058/2008 (FCT) Effect of biomechanical loading on the musculoskeletal system in women during pregnancy and the postpartum period
Gravidez Ativa - Active Pregnancy YouTube Channel
• Santos-Rocha R (Ed.). EXERCISE AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DURING PREGNANCY AND POSTPARTUM. EVIDENCE-BASED GUIDELINES (2ed). Springer Cham, 2022. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-06137-0
• Santos-Rocha R. GUIA da GRAVIDEZ ATIVA - Atividade Física, Exercício Físico, Desporto e Saúde na Gravidez e Pós-Parto [ACTIVE PREGNANCY GUIDE – Physical Activity, Physical Exercise, Sport and Health in Pregnancy and Postpartum; Portuguese]. Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior – Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, 2020. ISBN 978-989- 8768-26-1 (print), 978-989-8768-27-8 (ebook).
• Santos-Rocha R, Szumilewicz A, Wegrzyk J, Hyvärinen M, Silva MRG, Jorge R, Oviedo-Caro MA. ACTIVE PREGNANCY GUIDE. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, NUTRITION AND SLEEP. Instituto Politécnico de Santarém - Escola Superior de Desporto Rio Maior, 2023. ISBN: 978-989-8768-50-6 (e-book) [English, Spanish, Polish, Lithuanian]
• Santos-Rocha R, Silva MRG, Dias H, Jorge R. PROMOÇÃO DA ATIVIDADE FÍSICA E DO EXERCÍCIO DURANTE A GRAVIDEZ E O PÓS-PARTO. GUIA PARA PROFISSIONAIS DE SAÚDE [Promotion of Physical Activity and Exercise during Pregnancy and Postpartum. Health Professionals’ Guide; Portuguese] Instituto Politécnico de Santarém—Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Rio Maior, Portugal, 2022. ISBN: 978-989-8768-35-3 (impresso); 978-989-8768-36-0 (e-book)
• Santos-Rocha R, Szumilewicz A, Wegrzyk J, Hyvärinen M, De Labrusse C, Schläppy F, Silva MRG, Oviedo-Caro MA. PROMOTION OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND EXERCISE DURING PREGNANCY AND POSTPARTUM. HEALTH PROFESSIONALS’ GUIDE. ESDRM-IPSANTARÉM (Portugal) / HESAV-HES-OS (Switzerland), 2022. ISBN: 978- 989-8768-42-1 (e-book) [English, Spanish]
• Santos-Rocha R & Branco M (Eds). GRAVIDEZ ATIVA – ADAPTAÇÕES FISIOLÓGICAS E BIOMECÂNICAS DURANTE A GRAVIDEZ E O PÓS-PARTO [Active Pregnancy – Physiological and Biomechanical Adaptations during Pregnancy and Postpartum; Portuguese]. ESDRM-IPSantarém /CIPER-FMH-ULisboa /FCT. Rio Maior: Edições ESDRM-IPSANTARÉM, 2016. ISBN: 978-989-8768-18-6 (impresso) 978-989-8768-17-9 (e-book)
• Santos-Rocha R. AVALIAÇÃO E PRESCRIÇÃO DE EXERCÍCIO DURANTE A GRAVIDEZ [Exercise Testing and Prescription during Pregnancy; Portuguese]. Instituto Politécnico de Santarém - Escola Superior de Desporto Rio Maior, 2023. ISBN: 978-989-8768-37-7 (impresso); 978-989-8768-38-4 (e-book)
• Santos Rocha R, Prior de Freitas J, Fernandes de Carvalho M. GRAVIDEZ ATIVA – MANUAL DO PROGRAMA DE EXERCÍCIO FÍSICO [Active Pregnancy – Physical Exercise Program; Portuguese]. Instituto Politécnico de Santarém - Escola Superior de Desporto Rio Maior, 2021. ISBN: 978-989-8768-30-8 (impresso); 978-989-8768-31-5 (e-book)
• Santos-Rocha R, Maranhão C, Brites Lagos C, Ramos L, Ramalho F. PRESCRIÇÃO DE EXERCÍCIO NO PERÍODO PÓS-PARTO [Exercise Prescription in the Postpartum period; Portuguese]. Instituto Politécnico de Santarém - Escola Superior de Desporto Rio Maior, 2023. ISBN: 978-989-8768-49-0 (e-book)